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    Permanent Court of International Justice    

Appeal from a Judgment of the Hungaro-Czechoslovak Mixed Arbitral Tribunal (The Peter P�zm�ny University), Czechoslovakia v. Hungary, Judgment №. 21, Series A/B № 61 (PCIJ, Dec. 15, 1933)

Prince Von Pless Administration, Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A/B № 59 (PCIJ, Dec. 02, 1933)

Case concerning the Polish Agrarian Reform and the German Minority, Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A/B № 60 (PCIJ, Dec. 02, 1933)

Case concerning the Polish Agrarian Reform and the German Minority, Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A/B № 58 (PCIJ, Jul. 29, 1933)

Prince Von Pless Administration, Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A/B № 57 (PCIJ, Jul. 04, 1933)

Appeals from certain Judgments of the Hungaro-Czechoslovak Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, Czechoslovakia v. Hungary, Order, Series A/B № 56 (PCIJ, May. 12, 1933)

Prince Von Pless Administration, Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A/B № 54 (PCIJ, May. 11, 1933)

Legal Status of the South-Eastern Territory of Greenland, Norway v. Denmark, Order, Series A/B № 55 (PCIJ, May. 11, 1933)

Legal Status of Eastern Greenland, Denmark v. Norway, Judgment №. 20, Series A/B № 53 (PCIJ, Apr. 05, 1933)

Prince Von Pless Administration, Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A/B № 52 (PCIJ, Feb. 04, 1933)

Case concerning the Delimitation of the Territorial Waters between the Island of Castellorizo and the Coasts of Anatolia, Turkey v. Italy, Order, Series A/B № 51 (PCIJ, Jan. 26, 1933)


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