The President of the International Court of Justice,
Having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Articles 31,
44 and 79 of the Rules of Court,
Having regard to the Application filed in the Registry on 20 March 1993,
whereby the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina instituted pro- ceedings
against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in respect of a dis- pute
concerning a series of alleged violations of the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations on 9 December 1948, as well as various
matters which Bosnia and Herzegovina claims are connected therewith,
Having regard to the Order made by the President of the Court on 16 April
1993, fixing (inter alia) 15 April 1994 as the time-limit for the filing of
the Counter-Memorial of Yugoslavia, and the Orders dated 7 October 1993 and
21 March 1995, whereby that time-limit was suc- cessively extended to 15
April and then to 30 June 1995,
Having regard to the preliminary objections concerning, respectively, the
admissibility of the Application and the jurisdiction of the Court to
entertain the case, which were raised by the Government of Yugoslavia within
the time-limit fixed for the filing of the Counter-Mernorial, as finally
Whereas the Court, by its Judgment dated 11 July 1996, found that, on the
basis of Article IX of the Convention on the Prevention and Punish- ment of
the Crime of Genocide, it has jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the dispute
and that the Application is admissible;
Whereas in order to ascertain the views of the Parties on the subse- quent
procedure, the President received their representatives on 23 July 1996,
Fixes 23 July 1997 as the time-limit for the Counter-Memorial of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia; and Reserves the subsequent procedure for further
Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at the
Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-third day of July, one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-six, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the
archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Govern- ment of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, respectively.
(Signed) Mohammed BEDJAOUI,
(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,