The President of the International Court of Justice,
having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Article 37 of
the Rules of Court ;
Whereas by a letter dated July 1st, 1958, the Minister of Honduras in the
Netherlands transmitted to the Registry an Application of the Government of
the Republic of Honduras of the same date instituting proceedings before
the Court against the Republic of Nicaragua in the matter of the Arbitral
Award made by the King of Spain on December 23rd, 1906;
Whereas the Application refers to the Washington Agreement of July 21st,
1957, by virtue of which the dispute between Honduras and Nicaragua
concerning the Arbitral Award made on December 23rd, 1906; should be
submitted to the Court; [p44]
Whereas by the said letter dated July 1st, 1958, the Minister of Honduras in
the Netherlands notified the appointment of the Agents for the Government of
Whereas the text of the Application and of the letter from the Minister of
Honduras in the Netherlands was communicated, on July 1st, 1958, to the
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua;
Whereas the Washington Agreement of July 21st, 1957, provides that, within a
period of two months following the notification that the Court is to make
with respect to the Application, the Government of Nicaragua shall
designate its Agent;
Whereas by a telegram dated August 30th, 1958, the Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Nicaragua notified the appointment of the Agent for the
Government of Nicaragua;
After ascertaining the views of the Parties,
Fixes as follows the time-limits for the filing of the Pleadings:
for the Memorial of the Government of the Republic of Honduras: January 5th,
for the Counter-Memorial of the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua: May
5th, 1959;
for the Reply of the Government of the Republic of Honduras: August 3rd,
for the Rejoinder of the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua: November
3rd, 1959.
Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at the
Peace Palace, The Hague, this third day of September, one thousand nine
hundred and fifty-eight, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the
archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the
Republic of Honduras and to the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua,
(Signed) Helge Klaestad,
(Signed) S. Aquarone,
First Secretary,
Acting Registrar. |