1.1 The author is Abdumalik
Nazarov, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan, born in 1973, and currently serving a term
of nine years' imprisonment in Uzbekistan. [FN1] He claims to be a victim of
violations by Uzbekistan of article 10, paragraph 1, article 14, paragraphs
2, 3(b), (c) and (d), and article 18, paragraph (1), of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The communication also appears to
raises issues under article 9(3) and article 14(3) (e). He is represented by
[FN1] The Optional Protocol entered into force for Uzbekistan on 28
September 1995.
1.2 The Covenant and the Optional Protocol entered into force in relation to
Uzbekistan on 28 December 1995.
2.1 On the morning of 26 December 1997, the author, together with his father
Sobitkhon and brother, Umarkhon, were driving from Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan
to visit the author's mother. The car was stopped after crossing the border
into Uzbekistan, in the village of Vodil in Ferghana province by the
militia, who checked their documents and, without providing a reason,
searched the car. Although nothing suspicious was found, the militiamen
seized the keys to the car, and took the Narazovs to the regional office of
the Board of Internal Affairs (BIA), where they were detained. The Nazarovs
were told only that they were 'under suspicion'. The car was then searched
for a second time in the presence of the Nazarovs, this time by officers of
the BIA, and again nothing was found.
2.2 At about 6:30pm on 26 December 1997, some ten hours after they were
first detained on the border, the Nazarovs were taken to the yard of the BIA
offices, and their car was searched again. This time a paper parcel, the
contents of which smelled of hemp, was found under a rug in the car. The rug
had been in the car during the previous two searches, and earlier there had
been a spanner under the rug, which had now disappeared. The paper bag was
analyzed the following day, and found to contain 12 grams of hemp. On 28
December 1997, the author was charged with possession of narcotics with
intent to sell, an offence under s276 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. He
was later charged with the further offence of smuggling contraband, contrary
to s246(1) of the Criminal Code. On 30 December 1997, the author's father
and brother were released.
2.3 On 27 December 1997, the authorities searched the house of the author's
father, and found numerous blank forms with the letterhead of an
organization called the 'Committee of Asian Muslims'. These documents were
identified as belonging to the author, and he was charged under article 228
of the Criminal Code with forgery of documents.
2.4 The author claims that the drugs discovered in the car did not belong to
him, and that they were 'planted' by the authorities to justify his
detention. He notes that the authorities had ample opportunity to plant the
drugs, as they were in possession of the keys to the car for more than 10
hours. The author argues that, if the drugs had been in the car from the
beginning, they would have been found the first time the car was searched,
particularly given that the packet smelled so strongly of hemp. The author
notes that he is the youngest brother of Sheikh Obidkhon Nazarov, and that
he has previously been the subject of adverse treatment from the BIA.
2.5 The author claims that he obtained the documents found in his father's
house from an acquaintance, and that he had simply intended to use them to
wrap fruit at his stall in the Tashkent city market. Further, he states that
the documents are not those of an official body, and cannot therefore be the
subject of forgery at law. He notes that Uzbek law criminalizes forgery only
of documents which have some official status, and which have some legal
bearing on the rights of the person who possesses them. This was not the
case in relation to the documents in question.
2.6 On 4 May 1998, the author was convicted by the District Court of
Ferghana of the following offences, for which he received the following
sentences: smuggling contraband (s246(1) of the Criminal Code) - 7 years'
imprisonment; possession of drugs without intent to sell (s276 of the
Criminal Code) - 2 years' imprisonment; and forgery of documents (s228 of
the Criminal Code) - 2 years' imprisonment. The author was sentenced to
serve a total of 9 years imprisonment with hard labour, together with
confiscation of property.
2.7 The author's appeal to the Court of Appeal of Ferghana District was
dismissed on 15 June 1998. A further appeal to the Supreme Court of
Uzbekistan was dismissed on 9 September 1999.
2.8 The author claims that there were a number of procedural irregularities
in relation to his arrest and trial. He claims that there was no probable
cause to detain him, his brother and father on the border, and that their
arrest therefore contravened article 221 of the Criminal Procedure Code. He
alleges that his initial arrest was confirmed by the relevant authority on
31 December 1997, 5 days after his detention, which is well beyond the 72
hour limit imposed by the Criminal Procedure Code. In this regard, according
to Decree number 2 of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, dated 2 May 1997, any evidence obtained in violation of the law
cannot be relied on by Courts in arriving at their decisions.
2.9 In addition the Court allegedly did not allow defence counsel to appoint
an expert to determine the geographical origin of the hemp. The defence had
sought to prove that it had been produced in Uzbekistan, not Kyrgyzstan, and
therefore more likely to have been procured by the Uzbek militiamen rather
than by the author, who lived in Kyrgyzstan.
3. The author claims to be a victim of a violation of article 10, paragraph
1, article 14, paragraphs 2, 3(b), (c) and (d), and article 18, paragraph
(1), of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Furthermore, he claims that his arrest and detention were unlawful, and that
his trial was unfair.
The state party's observations on admissibility and merits
4. In spite of reminders addressed to it on 26 February 2001 and 24 July
2001, the State party has made no submission on the admissibility or merits
of the case.
5.1 Before considering any claim contained in a communication, the Human
Rights Committee must, in accordance with the Rule 87 of its Rules of
Procedure, decide whether or not the case is admissible under the Optional
Protocol to the Covenant.
5.2 The Committee has ascertained, as required under article 5, paragraph
2(a), of the Optional Protocol, that the same matter is not being examined
under another procedure of international investigation or settlement.
Concerning the exhaustion of domestic remedies, the Committee has noted that
according to the information submitted by the author, all available domestic
remedies have been exhausted. In the absence of any information from the
State party the Committee considers that the requirements of article 5 (b)
of the Optional Protocol are met.
5.3 The Committee notes that the author's claims under article 14(3)(b),
(c), and (d) are not substantiated by specific details. Thus, there is no
explanation as to the adequacy or otherwise of the facilities provided to
the author for the purposes of preparing his defence (article 14(3)(b)). It
transpires from the complaint that the case was heard by the courts of
various instances without delay (article 14(3)(c)). There is no evidence
that the author was deprived of his rights under article 14(3)(d). On the
contrary, from the documents submitted, it appears that the trial was
conducted in the presence of the accused and that he was defended by
counsel. Accordingly, the Committee finds that these claims have not been
substantiated, and are therefore inadmissible pursuant to article 2 of the
Optional Protocol.
5.4 Similarly, there is no information in the author's communication to the
Committee to substantiate his claims under articles 10 and 18. In
particular, counsel has not provided any information about mistreatment of
the author by law enforcement officials during the detention period.
Similarly, the author has not sufficiently substantiated that his freedom of
thought and religion have been affected, and accordingly, the Committee
finds these claims to be inadmissible pursuant to article 2 of the Optional
5.5 As far as the remaining author's claims under articles 9, paragraph 3,
and 14, the Committee considers that they have been sufficiently
substantiated for purposes of admissibility, and decides to examine them on
the merits.
6.1 The Human Rights Committee has considered the present communication in
the light of all the information made available to it by the parties, as
provided under article 5, paragraph 1, of the Optional Protocol. It notes
with concern that the State party has not provided any information
clarifying the matters raised in the communication. It recalls that article
4, paragraph 2, of the Optional Protocol requires that a State party should
examine in good faith all the allegations brought against it, and should
provide the Committee with all relevant information at its disposal. Given
the failure of the State party to cooperate with the Committee on the issues
raised, due weight must be given to the author's allegations to the extent
they have been substantiated. The Committee notes that the author has made
specific and detailed allegations concerning his arrest and trial. The State
party has not responded to these allegations.
6.2 In relation to article 9(3), the author notes that his arrest was
confirmed by the relevant authority on 31 December 1997, 5 days after his
detention, however it does not appear that the confirmation of the arrest
involved the author being brought before a judge or other authorized
judicial officer. In any event, the Committee does not consider that a
period of 5 days could be considered 'prompt' for the purpose of article
9(3). [FN2] Accordingly, in the absence of an explanation from the State
party, the Committee considers that the communication discloses a violation
of article 9(3) by the State party.
[FN2] See for example Communication no 852/1999, Borisenko v Hungary, 14
October 2002, where the Committee considered that a three day period was not
6.3 The author further alleges that the State party violated article 14, and
points to a number of circumstances which he claims, as a matter of
evidence, point clearly to the author's innocence. The Committee recalls its
jurisprudence and notes that it is generally not for itself, but for the
courts of States parties, to review or to evaluate facts and evidence,
unless it can be ascertained that the conduct of the trial or the evaluation
of facts and evidence was manifestly arbitrary or amounted to a denial of
justice. However in the current case the author claims that the State party
violated article 14 of the Covenant, in that the Court denied the author's
request for the appointment of an expert to determine the geographical
origin of the hemp, which may have constituted crucial evidence for the
trial. In this respect, the Committee has noted that in the court decision
submitted before it, the court when denying this request gave no
justification. In the absence of any explanation from the State party, the
Committee considers that this denial did not respect the requirement of
equality between the prosecution and defence in producing evidence, and
amounted to a denial of justice. The Committee therefore decides that the
facts before it reveal a violation of article 14 of the Covenant.
7. The Human Rights Committee, acting under article 5, paragraph 4, of the
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, is of the view that the facts before it disclose violations of
articles 9(3) and 14 of the Covenant.
8. Pursuant to article 2, paragraph 3(a) of the Covenant, the Committee
considers that the author is entitled to an appropriate remedy, including
compensation and his immediate release. [FN3]
[FN3] See for example Gridin v Russian Federation, Communication no
770/1997, views adopted 20.07.2000.
9. By becoming a State party to the Optional Protocol, the State party has
recognized the competence of the Committee to determine whether there has
been a violation of the Covenant or not, and that, pursuant to article 2 of
the Covenant, that the State party has undertaken to ensure all individuals
within its territory or subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in
the Covenant, and to provide an effective and enforceable remedy in cases
where a violation has been established. The Committee wishes to receive from
the State party, within 90 days, information about the measures taken to
give effect to the Committee's views. The State party is also requested to
publish the Committee's views.
[Adopted in English, French and Spanish, the English text being the original
version. Subsequently to be issued in Arabic, Chinese and Russian as part of
the Committee's annual report to the General Assembly.] |