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    Permanent Court of International Justice    

Interpretation of the Convention of 1919 concerning Employment of Women during the Night, Advisory Opinion №. 25, Series A/B № 50 (PCIJ, Nov. 15, 1932)

Interpretation of the Statute of the Memel Territory, United Kingdom v. Lithuania, Judgment №. 19, Series A/B № 49 (PCIJ, Aug. 11, 1932)

Legal Status of the South-Eastern Territory of Greenland, Norway v. Denmark, Order, Series A/B № 48 (PCIJ, Aug. 03, 1932)

Legal Status of the South-Eastern Territory of Greenland, Norway v. Denmark, Order, Series A/B № 48 (PCIJ, Aug. 02, 1932)

Interpretation of the Statute of the Memel Territory (Preliminary Objection), United Kingdom v. Lithuania, Order (PCIJ, Jun. 24, 1932)

Interpretation of the Statute of the Memel Territory (Preliminary Objection), United Kingdom v. Lithuania, Judgment №. 18, Series A/B № 47 (PCIJ, Jun. 24, 1932)

Case of the Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex, France v. Switzerland, Judgment №. 17, Series A/B № 46 (PCIJ, Jun. 07, 1932)

Interpretation of the Greco-Bulgarian Agreement of December, 9th, 1927 (Caphandaris-Molloff Agreement), Advisory Opinion №. 24, Series A/B № 45 (PCIJ, Mar. 08, 1932)

Treatment of Polish Nationals and Other Persons of Polish Origin or Speech in the Danzig Territory, Advisory Opinion №. 23, Series A/B № 44 (PCIJ, Feb. 04, 1932)


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