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    Permanent Court of International Justice    

Access to, or Anchorage in, the Port of Danzig, of Polish War Vessels, Advisory Opinion №. 22, Series A/B № 43 (PCIJ, Dec. 11, 1931)

Railway Traffic between Lithuania and Poland (Railway Sector Landwar�w-Kaisiadorys), Advisory Opinion №. 21, Series A/B № 42 (PCIJ, Oct. 15, 1931)

Customs R�gime between Germany and Austria (Protocol of March 19th, 1931), Advisory Opinion №. 20, Series A/B № 41 (PCIJ, Sep. 05, 1931)

Case of the Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex, France v. Switzerland, Order (PCIJ, Aug. 06, 1931)

Customs R�gime between Germany and Austria (Protocol of March 19th, 1931), Order (PCIJ, Jul. 20, 1931)

Access to German Minority Schools in Upper Silesia, Advisory Opinion №. 19, Series A/B № 40 (PCIJ, May. 15, 1931)


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