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    Permanent Court of International Justice    

Interpretation of Judgments Nos 7 and 8 (Factory at Chorz�w), Germany v. Poland, Judgment № 11, Series A № 13 (PCIJ, Dec. 16, 1927)

Jurisdiction of the European Commission of the Danube between Galatz and Braila, Advisory Opinion №. 14, Series B № 14 (PCIJ, Dec. 08, 1927)

Case concerning the Factory at Chorz�w (indemnities), Germany v. Poland, Order, Series A № 12 (PCIJ, Nov. 21, 1927)

Case of the Readaptation of the Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions (jurisdiction), Greece v. United Kingdom, Judgment № 10, Series A № 11 (PCIJ, Oct. 10, 1927)

The "Lotus" Case, France v. Turkey, Judgment № 9, Series A № 10 (PCIJ, Sep. 07, 1927)

Case concerning the Factory at Chorz�w (claim for indemnity - jurisdiction), Germany v. Poland, Judgment № 8, Series A № 9 (PCIJ, Jul. 26, 1927)

Denunciation of the Treaty of November 2nd, 1865, between China and Belgium, Belgium v. China, Order, Series A № 8 (PCIJ, Jun. 18, 1927)

Denunciation of the Treaty of November 2nd, 1865, between China and Belgium, Belgium v. China, Order, Series A № 8 (PCIJ, Feb. 15, 1927)

Denunciation of the Treaty of November 2nd, 1865, between China and Belgium, Belgium v. China, Order, Series A № 8 (PCIJ, Jan. 08, 1927)


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