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    Permanent Court of International Justice    

Competence of the International Labour Organization to regulate, incidentally, the personal work of the employer, Advisory Opinion №. 13, Series B № 13 (PCIJ, Jul. 23, 1926)

Case Concerning Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (the merits), Germany v. Poland, Judgment № 7, Series A № 7 (PCIJ, May. 25, 1926)

Case Concerning Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (the merits), Germany v. Poland, Order, Ser. A., No. 7, Annex II (PCIJ, Mar. 22, 1926)

Case Concerning Certain German Interests in Polish Upper Silesia (the merits), Germany v. Poland, Decision, Ser. A., No. 7, Annex I (PCIJ, Feb. 05, 1926)


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