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    Permanent Court of International Justice    

Delimitation of the Polish-Czechoslovakian Frontier (question of Jaworzina), Advisory Opinion №. 8, Series B № 8 (PCIJ, Dec. 06, 1923)

Question concerning the Acquisition of Polish Nationality (Acquisition of Polish Nationality), Advisory Opinion №. 7, Series B № 7 (PCIJ, Sep. 15, 1923)

Questions relating to Settlers of German Origin in Poland (German Settlers in Poland), Advisory Opinion №. 6, Series B № 6 (PCIJ, Sep. 10, 1923)

SS "Wimbledon", United Kingdom v. Germany, Judgment № 1, Series A № 1 (PCIJ, Aug. 17, 1923)

Status of Eastern Carelia, Advisory Opinion №. 5, Series B № 5 (PCIJ, Jul. 23, 1923)

SS "Wimbledon", United Kingdom v. Germany, Judgment № 1, Series A № 1 (PCIJ, Jun. 28, 1923)

Nationality Decrees issued in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on November 8th, 1921, Advisory Opinion №. 4, Series B № 4 (PCIJ, Feb. 07, 1923)


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