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    Office of the High Representative    

Decision Enacting the Law on the Amendments to the Law on Transmission of Electric Power, the Regulator and System Operator of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23/10 (OHR, Dec. 30, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative Repealing the Orders to Seize or Surrender the Travel Documents of Certain Individuals, 43992 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2010)

Desision Nullifying and Voiding the Decision of the Assembly of the Western-Herzegovina Canton on Approval of the Government of the Western-Herzegovina Canton adopted at its Session held on 27 August 2010 (OHR, Sep. 02, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Mladen Tolj by the High Representative Decision, dated 1 June 2001 (OHR, Aug. 14, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Davor �ilic by the High Representative Decision, dated 23 May 2002 (OHR, Aug. 14, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Pero Mad�ar by the High Representative Decision, dated 29 November 1999 (OHR, Aug. 14, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Zvonko Prskalo by the High Representative Decision, dated 26 June 2001, 62/10 (OHR, Jan. 25, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Ivan �ogic by the High Representative Decision, dated 26 June 2001, 63/10 (OHR, Jan. 25, 2010)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Svetozar Acimovic by the High Representative Decision, dated 26 February 2003, 61/10 (OHR, Jan. 25, 2010)


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