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    Office of the High Representative    

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Kemal Terzic by the High Representative Decision, dated 2 June 2002, 44/06 (OHR, Jun. 30, 2006)

Decision Further Appointing International Prosecutor Peter Korneck previously Appointed to the Special Department for War Crimes to Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Prosecutor�s Office of BiH, 19/06 (OHR, Jun. 30, 2006)

Decision re-appointing Drew G. Engel as International Prosecutor in the Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruptionof the Prosecutor�s Office of BiH, 18/06 (OHR, Jun. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Enes Cengic by the High Representative Decision, dated 11 October 2000, 42/06 (OHR, Jun. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Kemal Brodlija by the High Representative Decision, dated 29 November 1999, 43/06 (OHR, Jun. 30, 2006)

Decision Instituting the liquidation proceedings and appointing a Liqiudation Receiver for the �Privredna Banka a.d. Srpsko Sarajevo�, 17/06 (OHR, Jun. 21, 2006)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendment to the Law on Transfer of Cases from the ICTY to the Prosecutor�s Office Of BiH and the use of Evidence Collected by ICTY in Proceedings Before the Courts in BiH (OHR, Jun. 19, 2006)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, Jun. 19, 2006)

Decision Further Appointing Int.Judge Pietro Spera previously appointed to Section I for War Crimes of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions to Section II for Org.Crime, Econ. Crime and Corruption of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions of the Court of BiH, 14/06 (OHR, Jun. 07, 2006)

Decision Appointing Merja Helena Halme-Korhonen to Section I for War Crimes of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions and to Section II for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions of the Court of BiH, 13/06 (OHR, Jun. 07, 2006)

Decision Appointing Mitja Kozamernik to Section I for War Crimes of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions and to Section II for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions of the Court of BiH, 12/06 (OHR, Jun. 07, 2006)

Decision Appointing Heikki Heinrich Wendorf as International Prosecutor in the Special Department for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruptionof the Prosecutor�s Office of BiH, 11/06 (OHR, Jun. 02, 2006)

Decision Further Appointing Malcolm Simmonsto Section I for War Crimes of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions and to Section II for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions of the Court of BiH, 10/06 (OHR, May. 10, 2006)

Decision Appointing Marie Tuma to Section I for War Crimes of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions and to Section II for Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Criminal and Appellate Divisions of the Court of BiH, 09/06 (OHR, Apr. 26, 2006)

Decision Extending the mandate of a first Chairman of Governing Board of the Indirect Taxation Authority, 06/06 (OHR, Apr. 07, 2006)

Decision further limiting the scope of the ban from public office in the removal decisions issued by the High Representative, 05/06 (OHR, Apr. 04, 2006)

Decision Appointing David Schwendiman as International Prosecutor in the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor�s Office of BiH, 08/06 (OHR, Mar. 30, 2006)

Decision Appointing Kwai Hong Ip as International Prosecutor in the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor�s Office of BiH, 07/06 (OHR, Mar. 30, 2006)

Decision Amending the Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 03/06 (OHR, Mar. 18, 2006)

Decision Amending the Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of BiH, 2/06 (OHR, Mar. 18, 2006)

Decision Amending the Law on the Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of Republika Srpska, 04/06 (OHR, Mar. 18, 2006)

Decision Appointing Jude R. Romano as International Prosecutor in the Prosecutor�s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 01/06 (OHR, Feb. 09, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Sanja Srna by the High Representative Decision, dated 07 September 2000, 32/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Svetozar Radulovic by the High Representative Decision, dated 30 June 2004, 37/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Goran Popovic by the High Representative Decision, dated 30 June 2004, 35/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Miladin Pesic by the High Representative Decision, dated 29 November 1999, 31/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Decision Appointing Peter Korneck as International Prosecutor in the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor�s Office of BiH, 399/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Zeljko Jungic by the High Representative Decision, dated 30 June 2004, 36/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Hajrudin Husic by the High Representative Decision, dated 07 September 2000, 34/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Notice of Decision by the High Representative to Lift the Ban Imposed on Sevala Brankovic by the High Representative Decision, dated 07 September 2000, 33/06 (OHR, Jan. 30, 2006)

Decision Enacting the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 397/06 (OHR, Jan. 27, 2006)

Decision On Appointment of an International Member of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 396/06 (OHR, Jan. 26, 2006)

Decision Extending the Mandate of a First Chairman of Governing Board of the Indirect Taxation System, 394/06 (OHR, Jan. 13, 2006)


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