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    Office of the High Representative    

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 92 (OHR, Dec. 31, 2002)

Decision Enacting The Budget Of The Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina For 2003, 90 (OHR, Dec. 17, 2002)

Decision Enacting The Law On Execution Of The Budget Of The Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina For 2003, 91 (OHR, Dec. 17, 2002)

Decision On Appointment of a New Member of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils of BiH, of the Federation of BiH and of the RS, 80 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Tuzla Canton, 82 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton, 83 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Western Herzegovina Canton, 87 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton, 88 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Posavina Canton, 81 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Herzegovina � Neretva Canton, 86 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Central Bosnia Canton, 85 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Canton 10, 89 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Bosnian Podrinje Canton-Gorazde, 84 (OHR, Dec. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 79 (OHR, Dec. 03, 2002)

Decision Amending the Structure of Expenditures of the Communications Regulatory Agency for 2002, 78 (OHR, Dec. 02, 2002)

Decision removing Mr. Pero Markovic from his position of General Manager of the company ��ume Herceg Bosne�, 77 (OHR, Nov. 14, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Protection Against Defamation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 75 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law re-amending the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 62 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting amendments to the Law on Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Republika Srpska, 61 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting amendments to the Law on the Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 60 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Amending the Criminal Code of the Federation of BiH by repealing Chapter XX, Criminal Offences Against Honour and Reputation, 76 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Zenica-Doboj Canton, 67 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of West-Herzegovina Canton, 71 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Tuzla Canton, 66 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Una Sana Canton, 64 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Sarajevo Canton, 72 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Posavina Canton, 65 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Canton 10, 73 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts and Judicial Service of the Republika Srpska, 63 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, 70 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Central-Bosnia Canton, 69 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Courts of Bosnian Podrinje Canton � Gora�de, 68 (OHR, Nov. 01, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Treasury in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 53 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Registration of Legal Persons Established by the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 50 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Amending �The Law on Telecommunications� of the Republika Srpska, 55 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 57 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Land Registry in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 58 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Federation Ministries and other Bodies of Federation Administration, 56 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Land Registry in Republika Srpska, 59 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Imposing The Law On Cessation Of The Law On Deposit Insurance Of The Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, 49 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Regulating various matters of a transitional nature arising out of previous Decisions of the High Representative as aforesaid and Enacting the Law on Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 52 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting The Law On Banks Of The Republika Srpska, 46 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting The Law On Amendments To The Law On The Banking Agency Of The Republika Srpska, 48 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision removing Mr. Munir Alibabic from his position of Director of the Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine Obavje�tajno-Signumosna Slu�ba, 74 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 54 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting The Law On Amendments To The Law On Banks Of The Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, 45 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting The Law On Amendments To The Law On The Banking Agency Of The Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, 47 (OHR, Oct. 21, 2002)

Decision Establishing the Ownership and the Right of Use of certain buildings and land within the complex of �Ramiz Salcin� (formerly known as �Viktor Bubanj�) in Sarajevo, 44 (OHR, Oct. 18, 2002)

Decision Appointing Members of the Independent Selection and Review Board under the Law on Internal Affairs of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 42 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Immunity of Republika Srpska, 40 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Immunity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 39 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Immunity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 38 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Appointing a Director and Deputy Directors of the Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Information and Protection, 43 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Amending the Constitution of Republika Srpska, 37 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Amending the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 36 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision Amending the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 41 (OHR, Oct. 07, 2002)

Decision annuling the appointment of two Judges from the RS to the BiH Constitutional Court, 35 (OHR, Sep. 16, 2002)

Decision removing Mr. Mirko Stojcinovic from his position as Acting Head of the Municipality of Doboj, 34 (OHR, Sep. 02, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Prosecutor�s Offices of the Republika Srpska, 33 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Internal Affairs of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the Republika Srpska, 31 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decisions Enacting the Law on the Federation Prosecutor�s Office of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decisions Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, 28 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Una-Sana Canton, 26 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Tuzla Canton, 25 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Posavina Canton, 29 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, 21 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Central Bosnia Canton, 23 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of Canton 10, 22 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Bosnian Podrinje Canton � Gorazde, 20 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Western Herzegovina Canton, 27 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Cantonal Prosecutor�s Office of the Sarajevo Canton, 24 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 30 (OHR, Aug. 21, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Urban Planning, 18/02 (OHR, Aug. 14, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the Prosecutor�s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 14/02 (OHR, Aug. 06, 2002)

Decision on Appointment of Members of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils., 17/02 (OHR, Aug. 06, 2002)

Decision on the mandate of the Independent Judicial Commission, 16/02 (OHR, Aug. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15/02 (OHR, Aug. 06, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13/02 (OHR, Aug. 06, 2002)

Decision on The Special Auditor for the Republika Srpska, 12/02 (OHR, Aug. 01, 2002)

Decision on The Special Auditor for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 11/02 (OHR, Aug. 01, 2002)

Decision On the Use of Collective/Transit Centre Space in Bosnia and Herzegovina to Promote the Phased and Orderly Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons, 10/02 (OHR, Aug. 01, 2002)

Decision on further extending the Decision on Land Allocation of 27 April 2000 until the 31 March 2003, 09/02 (OHR, Jul. 31, 2002)

Decision suspending Svetislav STANOJEVIC from his position as a judge of the Republika Srpska Supreme Court, 8 (OHR, Jul. 16, 2002)

Decision suspending Marinko KATIC from his position as President of the Capljina Municipal Court, 7 (OHR, Jul. 16, 2002)

Decision suspending Ivan BREKALO from his position as President of the Municipal Court in Siroki Brijeg, 6 (OHR, Jul. 16, 2002)

Decision on the Number of Councillors in the Municipal Assembly of Zepce for the Zepce Municipal Elections in 2002, 5 (OHR, Jul. 08, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Amendments to the Law on Identity Cards of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3 (OHR, Jun. 28, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Amendments to the Law on Central Registers and Data Exchange, 4 (OHR, Jun. 28, 2002)

Decision removing Mr. Kemal Terzic from his position of Head of the Municipality of Donji Vakuf, 2 (OHR, Jun. 24, 2002)

Decision removing Mr. Nikola Grabovac from his position of Minister of Finance of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, Jun. 14, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Radio-Television of Republika Srpska (OHR, May. 24, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Radio-Television of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 24, 2002)

Decision on the Liquidation Procedure to be Applied in the Winding-Up of the Public Enterprise Radio and Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 24, 2002)

Decision suspending Kata ZOVKO from her position as a judge of the Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonal Court, 175 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Milenko TOMIC from his position as a Public Prosecutor at the Basic Public Prosecutor�s Office at Prijedor, 176 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Katica TADIC from her position as a judge of the Municipal Court Livno, 171 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision on Amendments to the Statutes of the Municipality of Stolac, 186 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision removing Mr. Davor Silic from his position of Deputy Minister of Justice and Administration in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, 181 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Hasan PIJANIC from his position as a judge of the Unsko-Sanski Cantonal Court, 178 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on the Basis of the Public Broadcasting System and on the Public Broadcasting Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Zeljko LALIC from his position as a judge of the Banja Luka Basic Court, 179 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Jevto JANKOVIC from his position as a judge of the Basic Court Banja Luka, 180 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton, 190 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of West Herzegovina Canton, 194 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Una�Sana Canton, 187 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Tuzla Canton, 189 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton, 195 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Posavina Canton, 188 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, 193 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Central Bosnia Canton, 192 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Canton 10 (the Law on Internal Affairs of Canton 10, 196 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Amendments to the Law on Internal Affairs of Bosnian Podrinje Canton � Gorazde, 191 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision enacting the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the Republika Srpska (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on the High Judicial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Nenad GVOZDIC from his position as a judge of the Municipal Court I Mostar, 174 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Conflict of Interest in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 184 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision appointing Mr. Jakob Finci to the position of first Head of the Civil Service Agency, 183 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Enacting the Law on Legal Assistance and Official Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and the District of Brcko, 185 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Nedjo DRASKOVIC from his position as a judge of the Republika Srpska Supreme Court, 177 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Fatima DJUKIC-BAJRAMOVIC from her position as a judge of the Municipal Court Zenica, 173 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Imposing the Law on Civil Service in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 182 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Amending the Constitution of the Republika Srpska (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision on the Law on Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Republika Srpska (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision on the Law on Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision Amending the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Mirko BRALO from his position as President of the Municipal Court in Livno, 170 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision suspending Omer BOROVAC from his position as a judge of the Municipal Court Gorazde, 172 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision on the Law on Attorneys� Profession of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 165 (OHR, May. 23, 2002)

Decision On Instruction On Procedure Of Review Of Concluded And/Or Revalidated Contracts On Use Of Apartments (OHR, May. 22, 2002)

Decision On Establishment Of The Commissions For Control Of Concluded And/Or Revalidated Contracts On Use Of Apartments (OHR, May. 22, 2002)

Decision on the Law on the Attorneys� Profession of the Republika Srpska, 166 (OHR, May. 22, 2002)

Decision On Suspension Of Application Of The High Representative Decision No. 128 From 4 December 2001 (Official Gazette Of Fbih 56/01) (OHR, May. 22, 2002)

Decision On appointment of judges and on the establishment of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR, May. 09, 2002)

Decision prioritising, as an exception to the chronological order rule, the repossession of property by returning police officers (OHR, Apr. 30, 2002)

Decision on Constitutional Amendments in Republika Srpska (OHR, Apr. 19, 2002)

Decision on Constitutional Amendments in the Federation (OHR, Apr. 19, 2002)

Decision amennding the BiH Election Law in accordance with the new Entity Constitutions (OHR, Apr. 19, 2002)

Decision amending the BiH Election Law by reducing the election announcement period from 170 to 169 days (OHR, Apr. 18, 2002)

Decision amending the RS instruction related to the revalidation of contracts on the use of apartments concluded after 1 April 1992 (OHR, Apr. 17, 2002)

Decision lifting the 4 December 2001 freeze of apartment privatisations in the RS (OHR, Apr. 17, 2002)

Decision empowering the Provisional Administrator of Hercegovacka Banka to declare the deposits and investments in Hercegovacka Banka to be totally or partially blocked beyond the period of one year (OHR, Apr. 04, 2002)

Decision suspending all judicial and prosecutorial appointments in BiH (except to the BiH and the Entity Const.Courts, the BiH H.Rights Chamber, the BiH Court, and all courts in the Brcko District) pending the restructuring of the judicial system (OHR, Apr. 04, 2002)

Decision On Organization Of Municipal Elections In The Municipality Of Zepce (OHR, Apr. 03, 2002)

Decision On Amending The Text Of Annex 1 Of The Final HR�s Decision On Integrating The Municipality Of Zepce As Published In The Official Gazette Of The FBiH (OHR, Apr. 03, 2002)

Decision amending the RS Law on Political Organisations (OHR, Mar. 28, 2002)

Decision inserting an annex to the Federation Law on Procedure of Entry of Legal Entities into the Court Register (OHR, Mar. 28, 2002)

Decision amending the BiH Election Law (OHR, Mar. 28, 2002)

Decision imposing the RS Law on Implementation of Decisions of the Commission to Preserve National Monuments established under Annex 8 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (OHR, Feb. 08, 2002)

Decision amending the Federation Law on Preservation of Assets Declared National Monuments of BiH under Decisions of the Commission for Protection of National Monuments (OHR, Feb. 08, 2002)

Decision ensuring transparency in the use of funds for return of refugees and displaced persons in both Entities, 136/02 (OHR, Jan. 24, 2002)

Decision removing Ivan Mandic from his position as Head of Mostar Municipality South-West (OHR, Jan. 15, 2002)


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