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Rolled Steel Plate Originating In or Exported from Canada (Dumping), The Titan Industrial v. SECOFI, Decision of the Panel, MEX-CDA-1996-1904-02 (NAFTA Ch. 19 Art. 1904 Panel, Dec. 17, 1997)

Flat Coated Steel Products Originating In or Exported from the United States of America (Dumping), New Process Steel v. SECOFI, Decision on Remand, MEX-USA-1994-1904-01 (NAFTA Ch. 19 Art. 1904 Panel, Sep. 15, 1997)

Flat Coated Steel Products Originating In or Exported from the United States of America (Dumping), New Process Steel v. SECOFI, Opinion and Order of the Panel, MEX-USA-1994-1904-01 (NAFTA Ch. 19 Art. 1904 Panel, Sep. 15, 1997)

Hot-Rolled Steel Sheet Originating In or Exported from Canada (Dumping), The Titan Industrial v. SECOFI, Final Decision, MEX-CDA-1996-1904-03 (NAFTA Ch. 19 Art. 1904 Panel, Jun. 16, 1997)


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