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Prosecutor v. Kamuhanda, Decision on Appeal of Decision Declining to Rescind Protective Measures for a Deceased Witness, MICT-13-33 (IRMCT, Nov. 14, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Uwinkindi, Decision on an Appeal Concerning a Request for Revocation of a Referral, MICT-12-25-AR14.1 (IRMCT, Oct. 04, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Uwinkindi, Decision on Requests for Admission of Additional Evidence on Appeal, MICT-12-25-AR14.1 (IRMCT, Sep. 22, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Karadzic, Decision on a Motion for Redacted Versions of Decisions Issued Under Rule 7s(h) of the Icty Rules, MICT-13-55-A (IRMCT, Jul. 18, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Karadzic, Decision on a motion for Review of the Registrar's Decision on Indigence, MICT-13-55-A (IRMCT, Jun. 24, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Uwinkindi, Decision on Motions for Disclosure, MICT-12-25-AR14.1 (IRMCT, May. 25, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on a Niyitegeka's Motion for an Extension of the Assignment of his Counsel, MICT-12-16-R (IRMCT, May. 27, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Karadzic, Decision on a Motion for Access to Ex Parte Filings in Completed Cases, MICT-13-55-A (IRMCT, May. 10, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Elizaphan, Decision on a Motion to Appoint an Amicus Curiae to investigate false Testimony, MICT-12-17 (IRMCT, Mar. 02, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Tolimir, Public Redacted Version of The "decision on Motion for Provisional Release" Filed on ~8 January 2016, MICT-15-95-ES (IRMCT, Feb. 23, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Oric, Decision on an Application Forleave to Appeal the Single Judge's Decision of 10 December 2015, MICT~14-79 (IRMCT, Feb. 17, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Ngirabatware, Order to Re-file Motion for Assignment of Coussel, MICT-12-29 (IRMCT, Feb. 17, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Uwinkindi, Decision on Motions to Strike Notice of Appeal and Appeal Brief, MICT-12-25-AR14.1 (IRMCT, Feb. 04, 2016)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on Niyitegeka's Urgent Request for Orders Relating to Prosecution Witnesses, MICT-12-16 (IRMCT, Jan. 29, 2016)


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