WorldCourts: International Case Law Database   International Case Law Database
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- Alberta (Courthouse) Law Libraries
- Hong Kong Judiciary
- Library of Congress
- U.S. Department of State

- Australian National University, Library
- Derecho de Asilo Guia
Duke Law, Goodson Law Library
- Florida State University, College of Law, Research Center
- Georgia State University, Law Library
- Loyola University Chicago, Law Library
- NYU Law, Hauser Global Law School Program
- Queen's University, Belfast, Library
- Pace University, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Law Library

- Rutgers, Law Library
- Santa Clara University, School of Law, Mabie Law Library
- SOAS Library
- University of Minnesota Law School, Law Library
- University of Washington School of Law, Gallagher Law Library
- University of South Florida, Nelson Poynter Memorial Library
- USC Gould School of Law, Law Library


- Schermerhorn v. Israel, 235 F. Supp. 3d 249 - Dist. Court, Dist. of Columbia 2017
- Eurogas v. Slovak Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/14
- Re Social Security Act 1964, [2017] NZSSAA 052 (15 September 2017)


- Parliament of Australia, Joint Committee on Human Rights, Report on the Migration Amendment (Protection and Other Measures) Bill 2014

Court Submissions

- The Prosecutor v. Bemba, Prosecution’s response to ‘Narcisse Arido’s Request for Disclosure or Securing of the Prior Statements Given by Prosecution’s Witnesses to Domestic Judicial Authorities and International Organisations’”, Annex A, 24 August 2015, ICC-01/05-01/13-1175

Newspaper Articles

- Terrence McCoy, ‘The Kingdom of North Sudan’: Was Jeopardy champ Ken Jennings the first to dream up this idea?, Washington Post, July 14, 2014
- Alex Horton, Pakistan violated Geneva Conventions by tweeting video of captured Indian pilot, expert says, Washington Post, Feb. 28, 2019
- Megan Davis, Mark McKenna, et al., After Uluru: Australia's Politics of Contempt Threatens the Soul of the Nation, ABC News, 24 November 2017
- Mark Brett "Sovereignty is a spiritual notion": An unexplored frontier in the freedom of religion debate, 30 May 2019
- Ioannis Glinavos, Labour's nationalisation plans could have costly legal consequences, Athens News, 03 Dec 2019
- Ben Winsor, Denmark Is Bigger Than You Ever Imagined, Business Insider, Oct 3, 2014
- Kabs Kanu, The spectacular legal errors committed by ECOWAS Court in ruling in favour of Sam Sumana (December 6, 2017)


- Reinmar Wolff, ed, New York Convention: Article-by-Article Commentary, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2019
- Heike Niebergall-Lackner, Status and Treatment of Deserters in International Armed Conflicts, The Deserter and the Enemy Party, International Humanitarian Law Series, Volume: 47 (pp. 117–176) (Brill Nijhoff, 01 Jan 2016)
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Natural Resources Management: Protecting Fisheries in the 21st Century (Brill | Nijhoff, 01 Jan 2012)
- Ved P. Nanda and George (Rock) Pring, Chapter Nine: International Freshwater Resources in International Environmental Law and Policy for the 21st Century, 2nd Revised Edition, International Environmental Law, Volume: 9 (Brill Nijhoff, 01 Jan 2013)
- Jing Lee, 7 Shall Take into Account, Together with the Context—Systemic Integration: An Architecture, Preservation of Ecosystems of International Watercourses and the Integration of Relevant Rules (Brill Nijhoff, 01 Jan 2014)
- Todd Weiler, Chapter Four Protection and Security: Before and After the Standard of Civilisation, The Interpretation of International Investment Law (Brill Nijhoff, 01 Jan 2013)
- Marci Hoffman and Mary Rumsey, Chapter Seven: Customary International Law, Generally Recognized Principles, and Judicial Decisions, International and Foreign Legal Research, A Coursebook. Second Edition (Brill Nijhoff, 01 Jan 2012)
- Yemane Kassa Hailu, From ‘Rights in Law’ to ‘Rights in Action’: Towards an Effective Remedy for Human Rights Violations through Constitutional Complaint Procedures in Ethiopia, Implementation of International Human Rights Commitments and the Impact on Ongoing Legal Reforms in Ethiopia (Brill Nijhoff, 22 Jan 2020)
- Nora Ho Tu Nam and Yonatan Fessha, Revisiting the Place and Use of Territorial Autonomy under International Law, International Journal on Minority and Group Rights (Brill Nijhoff, 20 Sep 2018)
- Gudmundur Alfredsson, The Right of Self-Determination in International Law, Minority Self-Government in Europe and the Middle East (Brill Nijhoff, 29 Jun 2019)
- Gudmundur Alfredsson, The Right of Self-Determination in International Law, Minority Self-Government in Europe and the Middle East (Brill Nijhoff, 29 Jun 2019)
- Gary P. Corn and Robert Taylor, Sovereignty in the Age of Cyber, Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and Tallinn Manual 2.0, American Journal of International Law, Vol 111 (Cambridge University Press, 22 August 2017)
- Keith Culver and Michael Giudice, The Unsteady State: General Jurisprudence for Dynamic Social Phenomena (Cambridge University Press, May 2017)
- Damien Charlotin, 20 - Identifying the Voices of Unseen Actors in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication (Cambridge University Press, August 2019)
- Lauri Hannikainen, 7 - Military occupation of Eastern Karelia by Finland in 1941–1944, Searching for a 'Principle of Humanity' in International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press, December 2012)
- Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Conflicts of Interests: Navigating in the Fog, A Focus on Ethics in International Courts and Tribunals (Cambridge University Press, 16 September 2019)
- David Donat Cattin, 69 - Victims’ Rights in the International Criminal Court, International and Transnational Crime and Justice (Cambridge University Press, June 2019)

International Organizations

- Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, Preliminary Study on Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, AALCO/57/ TOKYO /2018/ Additional Agenda Item

Academic Articles

- John Cubbon, Journalistic Freedom of Expression and Contempt Proceedings at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Revue québécoise de droit international, 2018 CanLIIDocs 10663
- Gurgen Petrossian, Elements of Superior Responsibility for Sexual Violence by Subordinates, Manitoba Law Journal, 2019 CanLIIDocs 2789
- Valentin Lara, Corsaires vs pirates ou la formation d’un partenariat public-privé pour l’établissement d’un dispositif permanent face à la menace pirate, Revue générale de droit, 2015 CanLIIDocs 5011
- Kathryn M. Campbell, Exoneration and Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted: Enhancing Procedural Justice? Manitoba Law Journal, 2019 CanLIIDocs 2793
- Amir Attaran, Have Charter, Will Travel? Extraterritoriality in Constitutional Law and Canadian Exceptionalism, Canadian Bar Review, 2009 CanLIIDocs 146
- Marika Giles Samson, On “Tempered Complementarity”: The International Criminal Court and the Colombian Peace Process, Canadian Journal of Human Rights, 2019 CanLIIDocs 4285
- Kent Roach, Section 7 of the Charter and National Security: Rights Protection and Proportionality versus Deference and Status, Ottawa Law Review, 2011 CanLIIDocs 73
- Consejo Latinoamericano de Estudios del Derecho Internacional y Comparado – República Dominicana (COLADIC-RD), Revue québécoise de droit international, 2013 CanLIIDocs 482
- Zahra Gardezi, Andrea Borello, Rabiha Sheikh, The Effectiveness of the Indus Waters Treaty 1960: A Case Study of the 1999 Baglihar Hydroelectric Project and 2007 Kishenganga Hydroelectric Plant, The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies, Volume 10 Issue 1 (2020), p. 53
- Sarah Heathcote, State of Necessity, Oxford Bibliographies (2014)
- I.V. Shpak, Impact of the Jurisprudence of the UN International Court on the Development of the System of International Common Law, Contemporary Issues of Law and Government (2011), p. 357
- Adama Kafando. La coopération judiciaire en matière de blanchiment dans l’espace UEMOA : état des lieux et perspectives. Droit. Université de Bordeaux, 2019. Français. ffNNT : 2019BORD0349ff. fftel-02872207
- Ulku Halatci Ulusoy, The Problems between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Airspace in respect of the International Law, 2013 Union of Turkish Bar Associations Review 109
- Shorena Nikoleishvili, Waiting for Abkhazia: Secession and Borders as International Legal Instruments in Contested Sovereignty, Nordic Journal of International Law (14 Mar 2020)
- Mark Kantorm Abaclat: An Aberration? Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers (2012)
- Race MoChridhe, ICCPR Article 27 as a Basis for Multilingual Library Services: Implications of Treaty Implementation in the US Context, International Journal of Librarianship, Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)
- Robert Taylor and Gary P. Corn, Symposium on Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and Tallinn Manual 2.0, Sovereignty In The Age Of Cyber
- Phil Spector, Symposium On Sovereignty, Cyberspace, And Tallinn Manual 2.0, In Defense Of Sovereignty, In The Wake Of Tallinn 2.0
- Michael Ramsden and Tomas Hamilton, ‘Uniting Against Impunity: The UN General Assembly As A Catalyst For Action At The ICC’, International & Comparative Law Quarterly (Cambridge University Press, 11 September 2017)
- Anna Spain, Book Reviews - Diplomatic and Judicial Means of Dispute Settlement, American Journal of International law (Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017)
- Hélène Ruiz Fabri, Symposium: A Focus On Ethics In International Courts And Tribunals, Conflicts Of Interests: Navigating In The Fog, American Journal of International law (2019)
- Moria Paz, The Incomplete Right to Freedom of Movement, Framing Global Migration Law - Parts I, II and III, AJIL Unbound , Volume 111 , 2017 (Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2018)
- Peter J. Spiro, Symposium On Framing Global Migration Law The Possibilities Of Global Migration Law (2017)
- Dapo Akande, The Immunity of Heads of States of Nonparties in the Early Years of the ICC, Rome Statute at Twenty, AJIL Unbound (Cambridge University Press, 30 July 2018)
- Wolfgang Alschner, 14 - Aligning Loss and Liability – Toward an Integrated Assessment of Damages in Investment Arbitration, The Use of Economics in International Trade and Investment Disputes (Cambridge University Press, April 2017)
- Chiara Giorgetti and Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Ex Pluribus Unum? On The Form and Shape of a Common Code of Ethics in International Litigation, A Focus on Ethics in International Courts and Tribunals, AJIL Unbound , Volume 113 (Cambridge University Press, 16 September 2019)
- Paola Gaeta, Symposium On Prosper Weil, “Towards Relative Normativity In International Law?” The Super-Normativity Of International Criminal Law (2020)
- Gëzim Krasniqi, “Quadratic nexus” and the process of democratization and state-building in Albania and Kosovo: a comparison, Nationalities Papers, Volume 41 , Issue 3 (Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018)
- Daria Boklan and Amrita Bahri, The First WTO's Ruling on National Security Exception: Balancing Interests or Opening Pandora's Box?, World Trade Review, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2020 (Cambridge University Press: 14 February 2020)
- Yasmin Naqvi, Crossing the red line: The use of chemical weapons in Syria and what should happen now, International Review of the Red Cross , Volume 99 , Issue 906: Conflict in Syria , December 2017 (Cambridge University Press: 07 February 2019)
- Eghosa O Ekhator, Regulating the Activities of Oil Multinationals in Nigeria: A Case for Self-Regulation? Journal of African Law, Volume 60, Issue 1, February 2016 (Cambridge University Press: 06 October 2015)
- Karen J. Alter, Laurence Helfer and Jacqueline R. McAllister, A New International Human Rights Court for West Africa: The ECOWAS Community Court of Justice, American Journal of International Law, Volume 107, Issue 4, October 2013 (Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017)
- A. Okoye, Corporate enterprise principles and UK regulation of modern slavery in supply chains, 2017 International Company and Commercial Law Review 28(5)
- Carmen Tirado Robles, Northern Territories - Kuril Islands: Legal Analysis of a Dispute still Pending, Comillas Journal of International Relations | nº 17 | 038-052 [2020]
- Juan Ramón Martínez Vargas and Giovanni Vega Barbosa, The State Obligation of Prevention in the Light of The International Corpus Iuris for the Protection of Women Against Gender-Based Violence: State's Obligation to Prevent in Light of the International Corpus Iuris on the Protection of Women Against Gender Violence, Ius et Praxis vol.19 no.2 Talca 2013

Non-Governmental Organizations

- American University, Human Rights in the U.S. A Handbook for Legal Aid Attorneys, July 21, 2014
- Amnesty International, Flawed Reforms: Iran's New Code of Criminal Procedure, 2016
- Destination Justice/OHCHR, Revealing the Rainbow: The Human Rights Situation of Southeast Asia’s LGBTIQ Communities and Their Defenders, 2018
- Article 19, The Right to Information and Natural Resourcesin Myanmar, July 2019
- Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, Market Mechanisms and The Paris Agreement, October 2017
- Thairi Moya Sánchez, La admisibilidad de casos en la CPI: La Complementariedad y la Gravedad, Sinergia, July 31, 2019
- Action 4 Justice, A4J Detention Guide
- Action 4 Justice, Environmental Rights Guide
- Cambodian Center for Human Rights, Protecting Fundamental Freedoms: A Desk Review of Domestic Legislation and its Compliance with International Law (December 2019)
- Elizabeth Aleksiuk, On Freedom of Speech and the role of Ukrainian language as an official language, Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law, March 11, 2019
Center for Justice and International Law, Guide for Human Rights Defenders: Human rights protection before the Inter-American System. 2nd edition (2012)
- CEPAZ, The admissibility of cases at the ICC: Complementarity and Gravity (July 31, 2019)
- Demetra Sorvatzioti, Thailand v. Does 1-5 of the Organization for Thai Federation (Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic, August 2020)
- Aaron Marr Page, International Human Rights Law and Canada's Consultation Dialogue, Centre for International Governance Innovation (July 4, 2019)
- Civicus, Tajikistan’s International Human Rights Obligations Under Scrutiny (April 4, 2019)


- Nigel Bankes, The implications of the Tsilhqot’in Case for the Numbered Treaties,, July 11, 2012
- Nigel Bankes, "Grassy Narrows, Division of Powers and International Law", ABlawg, August 6, 2014
- Dror Ladin, CIA Torture Psychologists Compare Themselves to Nazi Poison Gas Manufacturer as Defense, ACLU, July 25, 2017
- Erik Brattstrom, Book about blood diamonds leads to prosecution, Afrika Grupperna, June 19, 2013
- Ibironke T. Odumosu-Ayanu, Investor Responsibility towards Local Communities in Extractive Industry Projects in African Countries, Afronomics Law, August 2, 2019
- Hannes Jöbstl, Outsourcing Justice: State Obligations and the Prosecution of Foreign Fighters by Armed Groups in Syria, Armed Groups and International Law, April 6, 2020
- Mathias Holvoet, Organizing Rebellion Symposium: Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Non-State Actors. How Much ‘Organizing’ Do They Require? Armed Groups and International Law, September 19, 2019
- Prabhash Ranjan, India's proposed challenge to the Vodafone BIT award and Parliament as an author of an internationally wrongful act, Bar and Bench, 09 Nov, 2020
- Pulkit Dhawan, Abuse of Right in International Law, Berkeley Journal of International Law Blog, Sep. 22, 2018
- Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, It’s too hard to get the data of Australian criminals when it’s stored overseas, Bond Buzz, September 8, 2017
- Alicia Nicholls, Access to Justice as a Linchpin of the SDGs: The Sustainable Development Implications of Barbados’ Judicial Backlog, Caribbean Trade Law, October 27, 2015
- Benjamin Calzado Serí, El discurso de odio: expresiones, pronunciaciones u opiniones que propagan e incitan al odio, Catedra UASD-UNESCO (October 9, 2020)
- Jake Lambert, Israel-Morocco Pact Brings Western Sahara Dispute Back Into Focus (December 22, 2020)



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