Case No. IT-98-30/1-A


Judge Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Presiding
Judge Fausto Pocar
Judge Florence Mumba
Judge Mehmet Güney
Judge Inés Mónica Weinberg de Roca

Mr. Hans Holthuis

Decision of:
10 March 2004



Miroslav KVOCKA, Mladjo RADIC, Zoran ZIGIC and Dragoljub PRCAC




Counsel for the Prosecutor:

Mr. Norman Farrell

Counsel for the Appellants:

Mr. Kstan Simic for Miroslav Kvocka
Mr. Toma Fila for Mlado Radic
Mr. Slobodan Stojanovic for Zoran Zigic
Mr. Jovan Simic for Dragoljub Prcac


THE Appeals Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("International Tribunal"),

BEING SEISED OF the "Notifitication (sic) to the Appeals Chamber" filed confidentially and ex parte by the Appellant Zigic personally on 3 March 2004 ("Notification"), in which the Appellant indicates that he is concerned: (i) that three documents that he filed have not been brought to the attention of the Appeals Chamber; (ii) that a particular document which should have been served on him on 1 March 2004 was not communicated to him until 3 March 2004; and (iii) that the additional witnesses have to be brought by him to the hearing of 23 March 2004;

NOTING the Order of 26 February 2004, which reconsidered the Scheduling Order of 16 February 2004 and directed the Victims and Witnesses Section of the Registry to locate and contact the additional witnesses and to make arrangements for their travel to The Hague and for their appearance before the Appeals Chamber;

CONSIDERS therefore that the Appellant Zigic has been relieved, by the Order of 26 February 2004, of any obligation to contact the additional witnesses in order to make arrangements for their appearance before the Appeals Chamber on 23 March 2004;

CONFIRMS that the Appeals Chamber has received the three documents listed by the Appellant in paragraph 4 of the Notification and that these documents are under consideration, and

RECALLS that, as regards the two days’ delay in receiving the document referred to in paragraph 5 of the Notification, documents filed in relation to an appeal should be served on the Appellants at the United Nations Detention Unit at the earliest possible time.


Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative.

Mohamed Shahabuddeen
Presiding Judge

Dated this 10th day of March 2004,
At The Hague,
The Netherlands.

[Seal of the Tribunal]


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