Case No.: IT-02-62-I


Before: Judge Liu Daqun

Registrar: Mr. Hans Holthuis

Date filed: 20 September 2002







To the Republic of Croatia

I, Judge Liu Daqun, Judge of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("International Tribunal"):

CONSIDERING that the indictment submitted by the Prosecutor against Janko BOBETKO, as confirmed by me on 17 September 2002, a copy of which is annexed to this Warrant of Arrest and Order for Surrender";

NOTING that there is reason to believe that Janko BOBETKO may be present in the Republic of Croatia;

CONSIDERING Articles 19 (2) and 29 of the Statute of the International Tribunal ("Statute") and Rules 54 to 61 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal ("Rules");

HEREBY DIRECT the authorities of the Republic of Croatia to search for, arrest, and surrender to the International Tribunal:

Janko BOBETKO, retired Corps General of the Croatian army, born on 10 January 1919 in the Sisak region of the Republic of Croatia;

Alleged to have committed in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, between 9 and 17 September 1993, violations of the laws or customs of war and crimes against humanity, which are punishable under Articles 3 and 5 of the Statute, respectively.

And to advise the said Janko BOBETKO at the time of his arrest, and in a language he understands, of his rights set forth in Article 21 of the Statute and, mutatis mutandis, in Rules 42 and 43 of the Rules which are annexed hereto, of his right to remain silent, and to caution him that any statement he makes shall be recorded and may be used in evidence. The indictment and review of the indictment (and all other documents annexed to the present warrant) must also be brought to the attention of the accused and a copy of said indictment, in a language he understands, must be handed to him.

REQUEST that the authorities of the Republic of Croatia, upon the arrest of Janko BOBETKO, promptly notify the Registrar of the International Tribunal, for the purposes of his transfer pursuant to Rule 57 of the Rules;

REQUEST that the authorities of the Republic of Croatia, report forthwith to the Registrar of the International Tribunal if it is unable to execute the present warrant of arrest, indicating the reasons for its inability pursuant to Rule 59(A) of the Rules;

HEREBY AUTHORISE the Prosecutor to deliver this warrant to the Government of Croatia.


Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative.

Dated this twentieth day of September 2002,
The Hague,
The Netherlands

Judge Liu Daqun
Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

[Seal of the Tribunal]


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