Judge Richard May, Presiding
Judge Patrick Robinson
Judge Mohamed Fassi Fihri

Mr. Hans Holthuis

Order of:
29 June 2001







The Office of the Prosecutor:

Mr. James Stewart

Counsel for the Defence:

Mr. Tomislav Kuzmanovic and Mr. Howard Morrison, for Zdravko Mucic
Mr. Salih Karabdic and Mr. Thomas Moran, for Hazim Delic
Ms. Cynthia Sinatra and Mr. Peter Murphy, for Esad Landzo


THIS TRIAL CHAMBER of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("International Tribunal"),

BEING SEIZED OF "Hazim Delic’s Motion for a Report on his Behaviour and Adjustment in Confinement" filed on 22 June 2001 ("Motion"), seeking to admit in these proceedings a report on "Delic’s behaviour and discipline while incarcerated in the Detention Unit and other factors that could be relevant to punishment", and being seized of a confidential "Hazim Delic’s Offer of Proof on Re-Sentencing" filed on 25 June 2001, seeking permission from this Trial Chamber for Hazim Delic to call four witnesses and to make a statement in mitigation directly to this Chamber ("Offer of Proof"),

CONSIDERING that the Decision on Motion for Clarification and Joint Motion for Extension of Time issued by this Trial Chamber on 25 May 2001 clearly states that no further evidence is necessary for the purposes of these proceedings, and that both the Motion and the Offer of Proof are seeking to adduce further evidence in these proceedings,

HEREBY DENIES the Motion, REJECTS the Offer of Proof, and RESTATES that further evidence including reports or statements will not be admitted,

NOTING, further, that the parties have already submitted written briefs and will have the opportunity to make further written submissions in response to the briefs of the other parties,

HEREBY ORDERS, with the purpose of promoting the efficient and expeditious conduct of the oral hearing scheduled for 27 July 2001, that each party will have up to 45 minutes to make oral submission at the hearing, the Prosecution going first.


Done in both English and French, the English text being authoritative.


Richard May


Dated this twenty-ninth day of June 2001
At The Hague
The Netherlands

[Seal of the Tribunal]


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