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Krajina, Prosecutor v. Brdanin, Scheduling Order, IT-99-36 (ICTY TC, Apr. 12, 2001)


Before: Judge David Hunt, Pre-Trial Judge

Registrar: Mr. Hans Holthuis

Decision of: 12 April 2001







The Office of the Prosecutor:

Ms Joanna Korner
Mr Nicolas Koumjian
Mr Andrew Cayley
Ms Anna Richterova
Ms Ann Sutherland

Counsel for the Accused:

Mr John Ackerman for Radoslav Br�anin
Ma�tre Xavier de Roux, Ma�tre Michel Pitron for Momir Talic


I, Judge David Hunt, Pre-Trial Judge in this case;

BEING SEISED OF the "Prosecution’s Request for Indication of a Trial Date" filed on 23 March 2001;

NOTING the "Response to Prosecution’s Request for Indication of a Trial Date" filed on 2 April 2001 by the accused Brdjanin ("Brdjanin Trial Date Response"), and the "Response to the Prosecutor’s Request for an Indication of a Trial Date dated 23 March 2001” filed on 6 April by the accused Talic (“Talic Trial Date Response”);

CONSIDERING that both the Brdjanin Trial Date Response and the Talic Trial Date Response raise issues that could have an effect on the determination of a date for the commencement of trial;

BEING SEISED OF the "Memorandum on the Response of General Talic’s Defence dated 2 April 2001” filed on 4 April 2001 (“Talic Request”) in which the accused Talic requests that:

  1. his "Response to the Prosecutor’s Request for Clarification dated 26 March 2001", which was filed on 2 April 2001 ("Talic Motion") in response to a motion by the prosecution, be dealt with as an independent motion; and
  2. the Trial Chamber authorise the Registry to disclose to counsel a copy of the documents relating to witness 7.47 which accompanied the indictment and which were presented to the confirming Judge;

CONSIDERING that the latter request was originally made in the Talic Motion, but was not addressed by the Trial Chamber in the “Decision on Prosecution Application” (“Decision”) which disposed of the prosecution motion, as the Decision was given before the Talic Motion was filed;

PURSUANT TO Rule 54 and Rule 65ter of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence;

HEREBY ORDER that by 26 April 2001 at the latest the prosecution shall file:

  1. a reply to the issues raised in the Brdjanin Trial Date Response and the Talic Trial Date Response; and
  2. a response to the Talic Motion and the Talic Request.


Done in both English and French, the English version being authoritative

Judge David Hunt
Pre-Trial Judge

Dated this twelfth day of April 2001
At The Hague
The Netherlands

[Seal of the Tribunal]


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