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Bosanski Samac, Prosecutor v. Simic et al., Scheduling Order, IT-95-9 (ICTY TC, Jan. 24, 2001)


Judge Patrick Robinson, Presiding
Judge David Hunt
Judge Mohamed Bennouna

Mr. Hans Holthuis

Order of:
24 January 2001



Blagoje SIMIC
Miroslav TADIC




The Office of the Prosecutor:

Ms. Nancy Paterson

Counsel for the Accused:

Mr. Slobodan Zecevic, for Milan Simic
Mr. Igor Pantelic and Mr. Novak Lucic, for Miroslav Tadic
Mr. Borislav Pisarevic and Mr. Aleksander Lazarevic, for Simo Zaric


THIS TRIAL CHAMBER of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("the International Tribunal"),

Proprio motu

NOTING the Order of the Trial Chamber of 24 January 2001 separating the proceedings against the accused, Stevan Todorovic, from the proceedings against the other persons accused on the same indictment,

NOTING that Rule 65 bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Tribunal ("the Rules") requires the Trial Chamber to convene a status conference every one hundred and twenty days,

NOTING the Decisions issued by the Trial Chamber on 4 April 2000 and 29 May 2000 granting provisional release to the co-accused Miroslav Tadic, Simo Zaric and Milan Simic,

CONSIDERING that the Trial Chamber does not find it necessary for the three accused who have been granted provisional release to return to the seat of the International Tribunal to attend the status conference, provided that all three are represented at the status conference by their duly assigned counsel,

PURSUANT TO Rule 65 bis of the Rules

(1) a status conference shall be held on Thursday 8 February 2001, commencing at 10 a.m; and

(2) the accused, Miroslav Tadic, Simo Zaric and Milan Simic, are not required to attend in person for the status conference but may be present through their duly authorised legal representatives, as assigned by the Registrar of the International Tribunal.


Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative.

Patrick Robinson

Dated this twenty-fourth day of January 2001

At The Hague
The Netherlands

[Seal of the Tribunal]


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