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Celebici Camp, Prosecutor v. Mucic et al., Order to Provide Notice of Expert Witnesses, IT-96-21 (ICTY TC, Jan. 25, 1997)


Before: Judge Adolphus G. Karibi-Whyte, Presiding

Judge Elizabeth Odio Benito

Judge Saad Saood Jan

Registrar: Mrs. Dorothee de Sampayo Garrido-Nijgh

Order of: 25 January 1997




ZDRAVKO MUCIC also known as "PAVO"
ESAD LANDZO also known as "ZENGA"





The Office of the Prosecutor:

Mr. Eric Ostberg Mr. Giuliano Turone

Ms. Teresa McHenry Ms. Elles van Dusschoten

Counsel for the Accused:

Ms. Edina Residovic, Mr. Ekrem Galijatovic, Mr. Eugene O’Sullivan, for Zejnil Delalic

Mr. Branislav Tapuskovic, Ms. Mira Tapuskovic, for Zdravko Mucic

Mr. Salih Karabdic, Mr. Thomas Moran, for Hazim Delic

Mr. Mustafa Brackovic, Ms. Cynthia McMurrey, for Esad Landzo



HAVING CONSIDERED THE SUBMISSIONS OF THE PARTIES and the importance of an orderly and informed presentation of the facts of this case to a fair and just result:


(1) The Prosecution and the Defence for each accused will provide the other parties with timely notice of potential expert witnesses. The notice will include the name of the witness, the witness’s curriculum vitae and a statement of the area(s) about which the witness will testify.

(2)(i) The Prosecution will provide the Defence for each accused with notice of all its potential expert witnesses no later than Friday 31 January 1997. The notice will include the information specified in paragraph (1) above.

(ii) The Defence for each accused will provide the Prosecution and the Defence for the other accused with notice of all its potential expert witnesses no later than Friday  14 February 1997. The notice will include the information specified in paragraph (1) above.

(iii) The Prosecution may by Friday 28 March 1997 give notice of any additional expert witnesses needed for rebuttal.

(iv) For good cause shown, the Trial Chamber will allow testimony of expert witnesses where notice of such expert testimony is given after the required date. The party offering such expert testimony shall provide the notice required in paragraph (1) above, and the justification for the late notice.

(v) The above imposed notice requirement does not obligate any party to call the witness at trial but any such potential witness must be made available to the opposing party or parties if not called. This order does not apply to non-witness advisers.

(3) Once the parties have exchanged lists of the expert witnesses they intend to call, those lists are to be filed with the Trial Chamber by Friday 7 March 1997, stating the order in which the expert witnesses are to be called. The parties shall indicate for each expert witness, to the extent possible, the count to which each expert witness will testify and the estimated length of the testimony.



Adolphus G. Karibi-Whyte

Presiding Judge

Dated this twenty-fifth day of January 1997

At The Hague

The Netherlands

 [Seal of the Tribunal]


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