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    International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda    

Prosecutor v. Kajelijeli, Decision on Prosecutor's Motion for Extension of Time to Comply with Trial Chamber II Order of 12 December 2000, File No. ICTR-98-44A-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 20, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimungu, Decision on Casimir Bizimungu's Motion Dated 5 December 2000, Requesting Inter Alia to Vary the Order Rendered on 21 September 2000 by Trial Chamber II, File No. ICTR-99-50-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 15, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzirorera, Decision on Defence Motion Seeking Orders for Protective Measures for its Witnesses, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Intermediate Decision on Prosecutor's Motion for the Extension of Time to Comply With Court Orders in the Two Decisions Based on Defects in the Form and Substance of the Indictment for Both Accused Rendered on 1 November 2000, File No. ICTR-97-21-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 13, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Decision (Interlocutory Appeal Filed on 18 September 2000), File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Dec. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Rwamakuba, Decision on the Defence Motion Concerning the Illegal Arrest and Illegal Detention of the Accused, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Rwamakuba, Decision on Andre Rwamakuba's Motion for Severance, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 12, 2000)

Kajelijeli v. Prosecutor, Order (on Motion to Grant Relief From Dismissal of Appeal), File No. ICTR-98-44-AR72 (ICTR AC, Dec. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on the Prosecutor's Extremely Urgent Motion for Extension of Time to Comply with Trial Chamber II Order of 20 November 2000, File No. ICTR-96-14-T (ICTR TC II, Dec. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on the Prosecutor's Extremely Urgent Motion to Prolong the Transfer of Detained Witnesses Lak and Lab, File No. ICTR-99-46-T (ICTR TC III, Dec. 06, 2000)

Semanza v. Prosecutor, Decision Dismissing Interlocutory Appeal Against Trial Chamber III's Decision of 11 September 2000, File No. ICTR-97-20-A (ICTR AC, Dec. 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on the Defence Motion for the Interpretation of Rules 89(A), (B), (C), (D) and 90(F) and (G) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence and for the Recall of a Witness, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Dec. 01, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagambiki, Decision on Bagambiki's Motion for Disclosure of the Guilty Pleas of Detained witnesses and of Statements by Jean Kambanda, File No. ICTR-99-46-T (ICTR TC III, Dec. 01, 2000)

Nzirorera v. Prosecutor, Order, File No. ICTR 98-44-A (ICTR AC, Dec. 01, 2000)

Kajelijeli v. Prosecutor, Scheduling Order, File No. ICTR-98-44-AR72 (ICTR AC, Nov. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagambiki, Decision on the Prosecutor's Requete Aux Fins De Prolongation Du Delai De Transfert Temporaire Et De Renouvellement De L'Ordre De Transfert Des Temoins Detenus Par Application De L'Article 90 bis, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Nov. 21, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsabimana, Decision on the Defence Motion for the Review of the Decision of 9 May 2000 and for the Scheduling of a Status Conference, File No. ICTR-97-29A-T (ICTR TC II, Nov. 20, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on Defence Motion on Matters Arising from Trial Chamber Decisions and Preliminary Motion Based on Defects in the Form of the Indictment and Lack of Jurisdiction, File No. ICTR-96-14-T (ICTR TC II, Nov. 20, 2000)

Musema v. Prosecutor, Order (Motion for Clarification of Order Dated 6 November 2000), File No. ICTR-96-13-A (ICTR AC, Nov. 14, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Decision on the Defence's Request for Measures of Investigation With Regard to Certain Prosecution Witnesses, File No. ICTR-96-11-T (ICTR TC I, Nov. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Muvunyi, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request to Correct a Redaction Error in the French Text of Indictment ICTR-2000-55-I, File No. ICTR-2000-55-I (ICTR Jud., Nov. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kamuhanda, Decision on the Defence Motion for Severance and Separate Trial Filed by the Accused, File No. ICTR-99-54-T (ICTR TC II, Nov. 07, 2000)

Musema v. Prosecutor, Order, File No. ICTR-96-13-A (ICTR AC, Nov. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Judicial Notice and Presumptions of Facts Pursuant to Rules 94 and 54, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Nov. 03, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Muvunyi, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion to Grant Leave for Correction of Indictment ICTR-2000-55-I, File No. ICTR-2000-55-I (ICTR Jud., Nov. 03, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on Defense Counsel Motion to Withdraw, File No. ICTR-97-19-T (ICTR TC I, Nov. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on Nyiramasuhuko's Preliminary Motion Based on Defects in the form and the Substance of the Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-21-T (ICTR TC II, Nov. 01, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on Defence Motion for Disclosure of Evidence, File No. ICTR-97-21-T (ICTR TC II, Nov. 01, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on Arsene Shalom Ntahobali's Preliminary Motion Objecting to Defects in the form and Substance of the Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-21-T (ICTR TC II, Nov. 01, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on the Defence Motion for the Adjournment of the Trial Proceedings, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Oct. 30, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on Semanza's Motion for Subpoenas, Depositions, and Disclosure, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Oct. 20, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagosora, Decision on Ntabakuze's Preliminary Motion and Motion for the Execution of the Decisions Rendered on 5 October 1998 and 8 October 1999, File No. ICTR-98-41-I (ICTR TC III, Oct. 20, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzirorera, Decision on the Defence Motion for the Release of Documents Within the Custody of the Tribunal, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Oct. 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ndindiliyimana, Decision on Urgent Preliminary Motion to Stay the Indictment or in the Alternative to Cure Defects in the Indictment, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC III, Oct. 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kanyabashi, Corrigendum to the English Version of the "Decision on Defence Preliminary Motion for Defects in the form of the Indictment (Rule 72(B)(ii) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence)", File No. ICTR-97-15-T (ICTR TC II, Oct. 19, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Judgement, File No. ICTR 97-23-A (ICTR AC, Oct. 19, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Order for the Continued Detention of Jean Kambanda, File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR Pres., Oct. 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Mugiraneza, Decision on Mugiraneza's Motion for Relief Under Rule 54, File No. ICTR-99-50-I (ICTR TC II, Oct. 18, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Mugenzi, Decision on Mugenzi's Motion for Relief Under Rule 54, File No. ICTR-99-50-I (ICTR TC II, Oct. 18, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Scheduling Order, File No. ICTR-99-52-I (ICTR TC I, Oct. 16, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kajelijeli, Corrigendum to the Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion to Correct the Indictment, File No. ICTR-98-44A-T (ICTR TC II, Oct. 16, 2000)

Niyitegeka v. Prosecutor, Decision Dismissing Interlocutory Appeal Against Trial Chamber II's Decisions of 21 and 23 June 2000, File No. ICTR-96-14-A (ICTR AC, Oct. 16, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence's Motion to Hold an Evidentiary Hearing on the Seizure of Defendant's Computer Scanner, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Oct. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on the Defence Motion for Exclusion of Evidence and Restitution of Property Seized, File No. ICTR-97-21-T (ICTR TC II, Oct. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence's Motion to Suppress the Identification of Hassan Ngeze, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Oct. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kajelijeli, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion to Correct the Indictment, File No. ICTR-98-44A-T (ICTR TC II, Oct. 12, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Authorization in Terms of Rule 4, File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR Pres., Oct. 12, 2000)

Semanza v. Prosecutor, Order Assigning Judges, File No. ICTR-97-20-A (ICTR AC, Oct. 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntakirutimana, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request for Leave to File an Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-10-I (ICTR TC I, Oct. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Scheduling Order, File No. ICTR-99-52-I (ICTR TC I, Oct. 06, 2000)

Rutaganda v. Prosecutor, Decision, File No. ICTR-96-3-A (ICTR AC, Oct. 05, 2000)

Musema v. Prosecutor, Order (Prosecution Notice of the Contents of the Record on Appeal and Motion for Leave to Supplement the Prosecution's Brief As Respondent), File No. ICTR-96-13-A (ICTR AC, Oct. 03, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Order (Hearing on Appeal), File No. ICTR-96-1-A (ICTR AC, Oct. 02, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Hearing on Appeal), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Sep. 28, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Prosecution Motion on the Filing of Prosecution's Brief in Response to the Appeal Brief of Clement Kayishema), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Sep. 27, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on the Defence Motion by Emmanuel Bagambiki for the Restitution of Documents and Other Personal and Family Property (Rule 66(B) of the Rule of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Sep. 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Order for Temporary Transfer of the Three Detained Witnesses (AFZ, AGI, AHA) Pursuant to Rule 90bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, File No. ICTR-99-52-I (ICTR TC I, Sep. 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Defence Motion for Lack of Jurisdiction, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Sep. 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Request of the Defence for Severance and Separate Trial, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Sep. 26, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Prosecution Motion on the Filing of the Prosecution's Brief in Response to the Appeal Brief of Clement Kayishema), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Sep. 26, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appellants' Motions for Admission of Additional Evidence on Appeal), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Sep. 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzirorera, Re: Application for the Disqualification of Judge Mehment Guney - Determination of the Bureau in Terms of Rule 15(B), File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR Pres., Sep. 25, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Rwamakuba, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Sep. 22, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimungu, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-99-50-T (ICTR TC II, Sep. 22, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Decision (Interlocutory Appeals against the Decisions of the Trial Chamber Dated 11 April and 6 June 2000), File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Sep. 14, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Decision on Review and/or Reconsideration, File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Sep. 14, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Decision (Ruzindana's Motion to Supplement his Brief in Reply), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Sep. 12, 2000)

Kanyabashi v. Prosecutor, Decision (Motion for Review or Reconsideration), File No. ICTR-96-15-AR72 (ICTR AC, Sep. 12, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Decision (Decision by a Bench of the Appeals Chamber on Interlocutory Appeals against the Decisions of the Trial Chamber Dated 11 April and 6 June 2000), File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Sep. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on the Defence Motion for Dismissal of the Entire Proceedings Due to Persistent and Continuous Violations of the Rights of the Accused, Rules of Procedure and Evidence and the Statute of Tribunal and Abuse of Process, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Sep. 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Oral Decision on the Appellants Motions on Withdrawal of Lead Counsel for the Prosecution Team, File No. ICTR-99-52-I (ICTR TC I, Sep. 11, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Kayishema's Motion to Present Additional Evidence), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Sep. 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on the Defence Motion for Disclosure of Evidence Rules 66(B), 68, 89(B) and 98 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, File No. ICTR-97-21-T (ICTR TC II, Sep. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on the Motion by the Accused Andre Ntagerura for Revocation of an Order, Pursuant to Rule 73 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Regarding the Order Rendered on 23 August 2000 by Trial Chamber Iii and Additional Motion by the Accused Andre Ntagerura to the Motion for Revocation of an Order, Pursuant to Rule 73 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, Regarding the Order Rendered on 23 August 2000 by Trial Chamber III, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Sep. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsabimana, Decision on the Defence Motion Seeking a Separate Trial for the Accused Sylvain Nsabimana, File No. ICTR-97-29A-T (ICTR TC II, Sep. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzirorera, Decision on the Defence Motion Challenging the Legality of the Arrest and Detention of the Accused and Requesting the Return of Personal Items Seized, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Sep. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagambiki, Decision on the Motion by Emmanuel Bagambiki's Defence Seeking Orders for Protective Measures for its Witnesses, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Sep. 07, 2000)

Bagambiki v. Prosecutor, Decision (Motion to Re-Open Deliberations), File No. ICTR 97-36-AR72 (ICTR AC, Sep. 07, 2000)

Ngeze v. Prosecutor, Decision on the Interlocutory Appeals, File No. ICTR 97-27-AR72, ICTR 96-11-AR72 (ICTR AC, Sep. 05, 2000)

Musema v. Prosecutor, Order (Prosecution's Supplementary Motion for the Extension of the Time-Limit for Filing the Respondent's Brief), File No. ICTR-96-13-A (ICTR AC, Aug. 30, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Request of the Defence for an Order for Service of an United Nations Memorandum Prepared by Michael Hourigan, former ICTR Investigator, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Aug. 25, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Order, File No. ICTR-96-4-A (ICTR AC, Aug. 25, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on the Defence Extremely Urgent Application Exparte for a Subpoena to Compel Consistent Disclosure, Better and Further Particulars, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Aug. 23, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Semanza, Decision on the Defence Motion for Exclusion of Evidence on the Basis of Violations of the Rules of Evidence, Res Gestae, Hearsay and Violations of the Statute and Rules of the Tribunal, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC III, Aug. 23, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Imanishimwe, Decision on Imanishimwe's Motions for Amendment of the Indictment and Disclosure, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Aug. 23, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagambiki, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for the Transfer of Detained Witnesses Pursuant to Rule 90 BIS, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Aug. 23, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntakirutimana, Decision on Witness Protection, File No. ICTR-96-17-T (ICTR TC I, Aug. 22, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on a Motion by the Accused Andre Ntegerura for Rectification of an Error of Fact in Accordance with Rule 73 of the Tribunal's Rules of Procedure and Evidence and Regarding the Decision of 26 June 2000 Rendered by Trial Chamber III, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Aug. 22, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Decision (On the Consolidation or Summarization of Motions Not Yet Disposed of), File No. ICTR-96-4-A (ICTR AC, Aug. 22, 2000)

Musema v. Prosecutor, Decision (Prosecution Motion for the Extension of the Time-Limit for Filing the Respondent's Brief), File No. ICTR-96-13-A (ICTR AC, Aug. 11, 2000)

Kajelijeli v. Prosecutor, Order, File No. ICTR-98-44-AR72 (ICTR AC, Aug. 10, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Re: Motions to Present Additional Evidence), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Jul. 31, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Decision (Motion for Disclosure of the United Nations Memorandum Prepared by Mr. Hourigan on the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda), File No. ICTR-95-AR72 (ICTR AC, Jul. 27, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Decision (Motion to Have the Prosecutor's Appeal Declared Inadmissible), File No. ICTR-96-1-A (ICTR AC, Jul. 27, 2000)

Niyitegeka v. Prosecutor, Order Assigning Judges, File No. ICTR-96-14-A (ICTR AC, Jul. 26, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Order Assigning Judges, File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Jul. 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bisengimana, Confirmation of the Indictment and Order for Non-Disclosure of the Indictment and Protection of Victims and Witnesses, File No. ICTR-2000-60-I (ICTR TC III, Jul. 17, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Clement Kayishema's Motion to Extend Time Limit), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Jul. 17, 2000)

Rutaganda v. Prosecutor, Decision on Registry's Request for Reconsideration of Ruling Dated 7 July 2000, File No. ICTR-96-3-A (ICTR Pres., Jul. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Witness Protection, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Jul. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzirorera, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-96-14-I (ICTR TC II, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence Request for Separate Trials, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Decision on the Defence Preliminary Motion, Pursuant to Rule 72 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, File No. ICR-96-11-T (ICTR TC I, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Mugiraneza, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-99-50-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Mugenzi, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-99-50-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimana, Decision on the Defence Motion in Opposition to Joinder and Motion for Severance and Separate Trial Filed by the Accused Joseph Nzirorera, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bicamumpaka, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-99-50-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Order for Extension of Time to File Preliminary Motions, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Jul. 12, 2000)

Imanishimwe v. Prosecutor, Decision (Motion for Review), File No. ICTR-97-36-AR72 (ICTR AC, Jul. 12, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Decision (Prosecution's Motion for Admission of New Evidence), File No. ICTR-96-4-A (ICTR AC, Jul. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagilishema, Decision on the Request of the Defence for the Chamber to Direct the Prosecutor to Investigate a Matter with a View to the Preparation and Submission of an Indictment for False Testimony, File No. ICTR-95-1A-T (ICTR TC I, Jul. 11, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision of President Relating to Conditions of Detention Pending Appeal, File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR Pres., Jul. 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Ntagerura's Defence to Fulfill its Obligation in Respect of Reciprocal Disclosure of Evidence Pursuant to Rule 67(A)(ii) and (C), File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Jul. 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagambiki, Decision on Imanishimwe's Motion Objecting to Non-Compliance with the Rules and Material Prejudice to the Accused, File No. ICTR-99-46-I (ICTR TC III, Jul. 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Rutaganda, President's Review of the Decision of the Registrar in Terms of Article 12 of the Directive on the Assignment of Defence Counsel, File No. ICTR-96-3-A (ICTR Pres., Jul. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence Motion for Continuance of the Trial, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Jul. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Request of the Defence for an Order for Service of an United Nations Memorandum Prepared by Michael Hourigan, former ICTR Investigator, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Jul. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kamuhanda, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-99-50-I (ICTR TC II, Jul. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngirumpatse, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, Jul. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Muhimana, Decision on the Prosecutor�s Motion for Leave to Sever an Indictment, File No. ICTR-95-1-I (ICTR TC I, Jul. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Karemera, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, Jul. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kajelijeli, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Protective Measures for Witnesses, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, Jul. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimungu, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder, File No. ICTR-99-50-T, ICTR-98-44-T, ICTR-98-54-T, ICTR-96-14-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimana, Decision on the Defence Motion in Opposition to Joinder and Motion for Severance and Separate Trial Filed by the Accused Juvenal Kajelijeli, File No. ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Mugiraneza, Decision Allowing Withdrawal of the Defence Motion for the Application of Various Measures, File No. ICTR-99-50-T (ICTR TC II, Jul. 04, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Appellat's Motions to Extend Time Limits), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Jul. 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngirumpatse, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder of Accused and on the Prosecutor's Motion for Severance of the Accused, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, Jun. 29, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagosora, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder, File No. ICTR-96-7, ICTR-97-34, ICTR-97-30, ICTR-96-12 (ICTR TC III, Jun. 29, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntabakuze, Decision on the Prosecutor's Urgent Motion for Extension of Time within which to Comply Fully With the Orders Contained in the Decision of 19 May 2000, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Kabiligi's Motion for Disclosure and Restitution of Documents Pursuant to Decision Rendered on 5 October 1998 and the Prosecutor's Motion for a Temporary and Partial Stay of Execution of the Same Decision, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on Defence Motion for Disclosure of Evidence Pursuant to Rules 66 Et Al and 73 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence and Articles 19(1), 20(2) and 20(4)(b) of the Statute of the Tribunal, File No. ICTR-96-10A-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision to Extend the Deadline for the Submission of the Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-14-I (ICTR TC II, Jun. 23, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on the Preliminary Motion of the Defence (Objections Based on Lack of Jurisdiction and Defects in the form of the Indictment) and on the Urgent Defense Motion Seeking Stay of Proceedings, File No. ICTR-96-14-T (ICTR TC II, Jun. 21, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on Prosecutor's Request for Leave to File an Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-14-I (ICTR TC II, Jun. 21, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on the Joint Motion by the Co-Accused, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and Arsene Shalom Ntahobali Seeking Protection of Their Rights in the Context of Joint Trials, File No. ICTR-97-21-I (ICTR TC II, Jun. 20, 2000)

Nyiramasuhuko v. Prosecutor, Decision (Request for Review), File No. ICTR-97-21-AR72 (ICTR AC, Jun. 16, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision on the Appellant's Motion for Admission of New Evidence, File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Jun. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Ntabakuze's Motion for Disclosure of Material, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Kabiligi's Supplementary Motion for Investigation and Disclosure of Evidence, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagilishema, Decision on the Request of the Defence Pursuant to Rule 73 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence for Summons on Witnesses, File No. ICTR-95-1A-T (ICTR TC I, Jun. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagilishema, Decision on the Request of the Defence for an Order for Service of an United Nations Memorandum Prepared by Michael Hourigan, Former ICTR Investigator, File No. ICTR-95-1A-T (ICTR TC I, Jun. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagilishema, Decision on the Request of the Defence for an Order for Disclosure by the Prosecutor of the Admissions of Guilt of Witnesses Y, Z and AA, File No. ICTR-95-1A-T (ICTR TC I, Jun. 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Kabiligi's Motion to Quash Or Amend the Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder and Decision on Barayagwiza's Extremely Urgent Motions for Lack of Jurisdiction and for Waiver of Time Limits Under Rule 72 (A) and (F) of the Rules, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Jun. 06, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzirorera, Decision on the Defence Motion Seeking an Order to the Prosecutor to Investigate the Circumstances of the Crash of President Habyarimana's Plane, File No. ICTR-97-20-I (ICTR TC II, Jun. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Kabiligi's Motions to Nullify and Declare Evidence Inadmissible, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 02, 2000)

Nahimana v. Prosecutor, Order, File No. ICTR-96-11-A (ICTR AC, Jun. 02, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Re: Motions to Present Additional Evidence), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Jun. 02, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Order (Date of Hearing and Appellant's Appeal Books), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Jun. 02, 2000)

Kabiligi v. Prosecutor, Decision (Interlocutory Appeal against the Decision on Nullity of Proceedings and Release), File No. ICTR-97-34-AR72 (ICTR AC, Jun. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ruggiu, Judgement and Sentence, File No. ICTR-97-32-I (ICTR TC I, Jun. 01, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on the Defence Motion Seeking Supplementary Investigations, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, Jun. 01, 2000)

Semanza v. Prosecutor, Decision, File No. ICTR-97-20-A (ICTR AC, May 31, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kanyabashi, Decision on Defence Preliminary Motion for Defects in the form of the Indictment (Rule 72 (B)(ii) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), File No. ICTR-96-15-I (ICTR TC II, May 31, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Order (Appellant's Motions to Extend Time Limits), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, May 26, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Akayesu, Decision (Concerning Motions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Appellant's Brief Relative to the Following Motions Referred to by the Order Dated 30 November 1999), File No. ICTR-96-1-A (ICTR AC, May 24, 2000)

Nsengiyumva v. Prosecutor, Order, File No. ICTR-96-12-A (ICTR AC, May 24, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Order (Appellant's Motion for Admission of New Evidence), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, May 24, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kanyabashi, Decision on the Defence Extremely Urgent Motion on Habeas Corpus and for the Stoppage of Proceedings, File No. ICTR-96-15-I (ICTR TC II, May 23, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntabakuze, Decision on the Defence Motion to Implement Trial Chamber II Decision Rendered on 25 September 1998 Ordering the Return of Seized Items and on the Prosecutor's Motion for a Temporary Stay for the Execution of the Same Decision, File No. ICTR-97-34-T (ICTR TC III, May 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Motion by the office of the Prosecutor for Orders for Protective Measures for Victims and Witnesses, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntabakuze, Decision on Preliminary Motion Seeking to Obtain From the New Indictment Clarification Crucial in the Exercise of the Right of the Accused to Raise Preliminary Motions (Under Rule 50(C) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 18, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Defence Motion Seeking Clarification of the New Charges (Rule 72 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 18, 2000)

Karemera v. Prosecutor, Decision, File No. ICTR-98-44-AR72 (ICTR AC, May 18, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appellant's Request for Leave to Add a Third Supplement to his Notice of Appeal), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, May 18, 2000)

Kabiligi v. Prosecutor, Decision (Interlocutory Appeal against the Decision of 4 November 1999), File No. ICTR-97-34-A (ICTR AC, May 18, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntabakuze, Decision on the Motion Seeking Disclosure of Legible and Complete French Versions of Certain Documents Disclosed to the Defence on 12 and 29 October 1998 as well as the Originals of Statements Already Disclosed, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 17, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on the Prosecution Motion for a Temporary Stay of Execution of the Decision of 5 October 1998 Relating to Defects in the form of the Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 17, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsengiyumva, Decision on the Defence Motion on Defects in the form of the Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-12-I (ICTR TC III, May 15, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsengiyumva, Decision on the Defence Motion Raising Objections on Defects in the form of the Indictment and to Personal Jurisdiction on the Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-12-I (ICTR TC III, May 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence Motion to Adopt and Conform, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, May 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimungu, Decision on Extremely Urgent Motion to Compel the Production of All of the Supporting Material in English and to Suspend the Beginning of the Time within which Preliminary Motion are to be Filed until All of the English Translations are Produced, File No. ICTR-99-50-I (ICTR TC II, May 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimungu, Decision on Extremely Urgent Motion for Extension of Time in which to File his Response to the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder due to the Failure to Disclose a Full English Text of the Supporting Materials to the Defence, File No. ICTR-99-50-I (ICTR TC II, May 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence's Motion to Dismiss the Indictment In Toto for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction and for Lack of Fundamental Fairness for the Accused, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, May 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence Motion to Have the Court Request a Subpoena Duces Tecum for the Production of the Defendant's Arrest and Certified Court Records, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, May 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Preliminary Order in Respect of the Prosecutor's Joinder Motion, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, May 10, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision (1. Prosecution's Motion for an Extension of Time in which to File its Respondent's Brief on Appeal 2. Appellant's Motion for Extension of Time-Limit Within which to File a Reply), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, May 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ruggiu, Decision on the Defence's Motion for Witness Protection, File No. ICTR-97-32-I (ICTR TC I, May 09, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nteziryayo, Decision on the Defense Motion Asking the Prosecution to Clarify and/or Remove Certain Paragraphs of the Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-29-I (ICTR TC II, May 09, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsabimana, Decision on the Defense Motion to Withdraw Certain Counts of the Indictment against the Accused Nsabimana, Ordered on 12 August 1999, File No. ICTR-97-29A-I (ICTR TC II, May 09, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kajelijeli, Decision on the Defence Motion Concerning the Arbitrary Arrest and Illegal Detention of the Accused and on the Defence Notice of Urgent Motion to Expand and Supplement the Record of 8 December 1999 Hearing, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, May 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bicamumpaka, Decision on Motion for Defects in the form of the Indictment (Rules 47 (B) and (D) and 72 (B) (ii) of the Rules) and Lack of Jurisdiction (Rules 5 and 72 (B) (i) of the Rules), File No. ICTR- 99-50-I (ICTR TC II, May 08, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Kabiligi's Motion for the Disclosure of Statements of the Accused, File No. ICTR-96-34-I, ICTR-96-30-I (ICTR TC III, May 05, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on Imanishimwe's Motion for Hearing, Entry on Record and Formal Confirmation of the Prosecutor's Intentions by Trial Chamber III, File No. ICTR-96-10-I, ICTR-97-36-I (ICTR TC III, May 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Ntabakuze's Motion to Declare Inadmissible the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder, File No. ICTR-96-34-I, ICTR-96-30-I (ICTR TC III, May 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Ntabakuze's Motion Seeking to Have Rule 48BIS Declared Ultra Vires Unlawful, Contrary to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, and Inapplicable to the Accused, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on Ntabakuze's Motion for a Declaratory Ruling in Order to Determine the Law Applicable to the Prosecutor's Motion for Joinder Filed on 28 October 1999, Prior to Hearing the Said Motion, File No. ICTR-97-34-I (ICTR TC III, May 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsengiyumva, Decision on the Defence Motion Seeking the Striking Out of Paragraph 6.17 of the Concise Statement of Facts for Non-Compliance of Orders Requiring Amendment, File No. ICTR-96-12-I (ICTR TC III, May 03, 2000)

Ngirumpatse v. Prosecutor, Decision (Interlocutory Appeals Filed against the Decisions of 18 November 1999 and 10 December 1999), File No. ICTR-98-44-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 28, 2000)

Kajelijeli v. Prosecutor, Decision (Interlocutory Appeal against the Decision of 7 December 1999), File No. ICTR-98-44-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niytegeka, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion to Withdraw the Motion for Joinder of the Accused, File No. ICTR-96-14-T, ICTR-99-50-T, ICTR-98-44-T (ICTR TC II, Apr. 27, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Order (Appellant's Motion for Admission of New Evidence), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Akayesu, Decision (Requests 1 and 7 of Memoire De L'Appelant Concernant Les Requetes Suivantes Visees Par L'Ordonnance Comportant Calendrier Du 30 Novembre 1999 (Regarding Record on Appeal)), File No. ICTR-96-1-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 17, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence's Motion to Adopt and Conform, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Apr. 14, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Defence's Extremely Urgent Motion to Quash the Indictment against the Accused Person on the Ground of Defects in the form of the Indictment; on the Defence's Motion for Measures and Orders against the Prosecutor to Disclose Evidence, Documents and Witnesses; and, on the Defence's Motion for Clarification of the Terms and Expressions Used in the Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Apr. 14, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsengiyumva, Decision on the Defence Motions Objecting to the Jurisdiction of the Trial Chamber on the Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-12-I (ICTR TC III, Apr. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Karemera, Corrigendum to the Decision on the Defence Motion for the Restitution of Documents and Other Personal or Family Belongings Seized (Rule 40 (C) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, and the Exclusion of Such Evidence which may be Used by the Prosecutor in Preparing an Indictment against the Applicant, File No. ICTR-98-44-I (ICTR TC II, Apr. 13, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Kabiligi, Decision on the Defence Motions Objecting to a Lack of Jurisdiction and Seeking to Declare the Indictment Void AB Initio, File No. ICTR-96-34-I (ICTR TC III, Apr. 13, 2000)

Nyiramasuhuko v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appeal against Trial Chamber II's Decision of 5 October 1999), File No. ICTR-97-21-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 13, 2000)

Ntahobali v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appeal against Trial Chamber II's Decision of 5 October 1999), File No. ICTR-97-21-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 13, 2000)

Ntagerura v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appeal against Trial Chamber III's Decision of 11 October 1999), File No. ICTR-96-10-A, ICTR-97-36-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 13, 2000)

Kanyabashi v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appeal against Trial Chamber II's Decision of 5 October 1999), File No. ICTR-97-21-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 13, 2000)

Imanishimwe v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appeal against Trial Chamber III's Decision of 11 October 1999), File No. ICTR-96-10-A, ICTR-97-36-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 13, 2000)

Bagambiki v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appeal against Trial Chamber III's Decision of 11 October 1999), File No. ICTR-96-10-A, ICTR-97-36-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 13, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appellants' Motions Requesting an Alteration of the Time Limits for the Filing of Documents), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 12, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request for Leave to File An Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR TC I, Apr. 11, 2000)

Kayishema v. Prosecutor, Decision (Prosecutor's Motions for Correction and Clarification of Trial Record; for Clarification of Briefing Time-Limits, and to Extend the Time-Limit), File No. ICTR-95-1-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 11, 2000)

Serushago v. Prosecutor, Reasons for Judgement, File No. ICTR-98-39-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 06, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision (Motion for Extension of the Time-Limit within which to File the Prosecutor's Response to the Defence Motion for Admission of New Evidence), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Apr. 05, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appellant's Motion for Extension of Time to File Brief), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Mar. 31, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Decision (Prosecutor's Request for Review Or Reconsideration), File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Mar. 31, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Decision on the Defence's Motion for Disclosure in the Case of Ferdinand Nahimana, File No. ICTR-96-11-T (ICTR TC I, Mar. 29, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntakirutimana, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request to Withdraw the Prosecutor's Motion Entitled "Request to Amend Indictment ICTR-96-10-T Pursuant to Rule 50" Dated 13 August 1998, File No. ICTR-96-10-T (ICTR TC I, Mar. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ruzindana, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Leave to File An Amended Indictment, File No. ICTR-96-10-I (ICTR TC I, Mar. 27, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Muhimana, Decision on the Defence Motion for the Annulment of the Initial Appearance, File No. ICTR-95-1B-I (ICTR TC III, Mar. 20, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Order (Prosecutor's Urgent Motion for Protection of Witnesses), File No. ICTR-96-1-A (ICTR AC, Mar. 20, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence's Motion to Compel Complete Discovery, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Mar. 16, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ngeze, Decision on the Defence's Motion for Bill of Particulars, File No. ICTR-97-27-I (ICTR TC I, Mar. 16, 2000)

Rutaganda v. Prosecutor, Decision (1. Motion for Inadmissibility of the Prosecutor's Notice of Appeal 2. Motion to Amend Appelant's Notice of Appeal 3. Motion to Extend the Time-Limits for Filing the Prosecution's Notice of Appeal) (ICTR AC, Mar. 15, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Corrigendum (Decision in Appellant's Motion for Assignment of Co-Counsel and for Extension of Time to File Brief), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Mar. 10, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Muhimana, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Orders for Protective Measures for Victims and Witnesses, File No. ICTR-95-1B-I (ICTR TC III, Mar. 09, 2000)

Kambanda v. Prosecutor, Decision (Appelant's Motion for Assignment of Co-Counsel and for Extension of Time to File Brief), File No. ICTR-97-23-A (ICTR AC, Mar. 07, 2000)

Akayesu v. Prosecutor, Designation of Pre-Hearing Judges, File No. ICTR-96-4-A, ICTR-97-23-A, ICTR-96-13-A, ICTR-95-1-A, ICTR-96-3-A (ICTR AC, Mar. 07, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagambiki, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Orders for Protective Measures for Victims and Witnesses, File No. ICTR-97-36-I, ICTR-97-36-T (ICTR TC III, Mar. 03, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nyiramasuhuko, Decision on the Defense Motion to Adjourn Hearing on the Preliminary Motion Based on Defects in the Form and Substance of the Indictment, File No. ICTR-97-21-I (ICTR TC I, Mar. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nteziryayo, Decision on the Preliminary Motion Brought by the Defence Following the Second Initial Appearance of the Accused, File No. ICTR-97-29-T (ICTR TC II, Mar. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ndindiliyimana, Decision on the Prosecutor's Motion for Deferral, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC II, Mar. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Decision on the Defence's Motion for Witness Protection, File No. ICTR-96-11-T (ICTR TC I, Feb. 25, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsabimana, Decision on the Defence Motion for Disclosure of All Materials the Prosecution Intends to Use at Trial, File No. ICTR-97-29-T (ICTR TC II, Feb. 16, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagilishema, Request for Cooperation Pursuant to Article 28 of the Statute, File No. ICTR-95-1A-I (ICTR TC I, Feb. 16, 2000)

Serushago v. Prosecutor, Judgement (Appeal against Sentence), File No. ICTR-98-39-A (ICTR AC, Feb. 14, 2000)

Serushago v. Prosecutor, Order Taking Formal Note of the Assignment of a Judge to the Appeals Chamber, File No. ICTR-98-39-A (ICTR AC, Feb. 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nsabimana, Decision on Defence Motion to Limit Possible Evidence to Be Disclosed to the Defence and to Exclude Certain Material Already Disclosed by the Prosecutor, File No. ICTR 97-29-T (ICTR TC II, Feb. 11, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ntagerura, Decision on the Defence Motion for Additional Protective Measures for Defence Witnesses, File No. ICTR-96-10-I (ICTR TC III, Feb. 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Niyitegeka, Decision on the Defence Motion for Disclosure of Evidence, File No. ICTR-96-14-I (ICTR TC II, Feb. 04, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Sagahutu, Warrant of Arrest and Order for Transfer and Detention, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR Jud., Feb. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzuwonemeye, Warrant of Arrest and Order for Transfer and Detention, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC, Feb. 02, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Muvunyi, Decision to Confirm the Indictment, File No. ICTR-2000-55-I (ICTR Jud., Feb. 02, 2000)

Barayagwiza v. Prosecutor, Decision (Request for Withdrawal of Defence Counsel), File No. ICTR-97-19-AR72 (ICTR AC, Jan. 31, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Sagahutu, Decision confirming the Indictment, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC, Jan. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Nzuwonemeye, Decision confirming the Indictment, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC, Jan. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ndindiliyimana, Warrant of Arrest and Order for Transfer and Detention, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR Jud., Jan. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Ndindiliyimana, Decision confirming the Indictment, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC, Jan. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bizimungu, Decision confirming the Indictment, File No. ICTR-2000-56-I (ICTR TC, Jan. 28, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Musema, Judgement and Sentence, File No. ICTR-96-13-T (ICTR TC I, Jan. 27, 2000)

Ntabakuze v. Prosecutor, Decision Rejecting Notice of Appeal, File No. ICTR-97-34-A (ICTR AC, Jan. 21, 2000)

Kanyabashi v. Prosecutor, Decision Rejecting Notice of Appeal, File No. ICTR-96-15-A (ICTR AC, Jan. 21, 2000)

Kabiligi v. Prosecutor, Decision Rejecting Notice of Appeal, File No. ICTR-97-34-A (ICTR AC, Jan. 21, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Barayagwiza, Decision on Review in Terms of Article 19 (E) of the Directive on Assignment of Defence Counsel, File No. ICTR-97-19-I (ICTR Pres., Jan. 19, 2000)

Prosecutor v. Bagilishema, Order for Temporary Transfer of Three Detained Witnesses (Y, Z, AA) Pursuant to Rule 90 bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, File No. ICTR-95-1A-T (ICTR TC I, Jan. 17, 2000)

Semanza v. Prosecutor, Order (Prosecutor's Request to Supplement the Record on Appeal), File No. ICTR-97-20-A (ICTR AC, Jan. 14, 2000)

Nzirorera v. Prosecutor, Order Assigning Judges, File No. ICTR-98-44-A (ICTR AC, Jan. 10, 2000)


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