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20 March 2002


General List No. 109


international Court of Justice


Legality of Use of Force








BEFORE: Vice-President: Shi Jiuyong
Citation: Legality of Use of Force (Yugo. v. Italy), 2002 I.C.J. 204 (Order of Mar. 20)

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,

After deliberation,

Having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Articles 44 and 79 of the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Order of 30 June 1999, whereby the Court fixed 5 January 2000 and 5 July 2000 as the time-limits for the filing, respectively, of a Memorial of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and a Counter-Memorial of the Italian Republic,

Having regard to the preliminary objections to jurisdiction and admissibility filed by Italy on 4 July 2000,

Having regard to the Order of 8 September 2000, whereby the Vice-President of the Court, Acting President, fixed 5 April 2001 as the time-limit within which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia might present a [p 205] written statement of its observations and submissions on the preliminary objections made by the Italian Republic,

Having regard to the Order of 21 February 2001, whereby the Court, taking account of the agreement of the Parties and of the circumstances of the case, extended to 5 April 2002 the time-limit within which Yugoslavia might present its written statement;

Whereas, by letter dated 8 February 2002, received in the Registry on the same day by facsimile, the Agent of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia referred inter alia to "dramatic" and "ongoing" changes in Yugoslavia which "have put the cas[e] ... in a quite different perspective", as well as to the decision to be taken by the Court in another case involving Yugoslavia, and requested the Court, for reasons stated in that letter, "for a stay of proceedings or. . . for an extension by twelve months of the time period for the submission of observations on the preliminary objections raised by . . . Italy"; and whereas, on receipt of that letter, the Registrar transmitted a copy thereof to the Agent of the Italian Republic;

Whereas, by letter dated 25 February 2002, received in the Registry on 8 March 2002, the Agent of the Italian Republic informed the Court that his Government was not opposed to a stay of proceedings or, if a stay was not possible, to an extension of the time-limit for the filing of the observations and submissions of Yugoslavia on the preliminary objections of Italy,

Taking account of the agreement of the Parties and of the circumstances of the case.

Extends to 7 April 2003 the time-limit within which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia may present a written statement of its observations and submissions on the preliminary objections made by the Italian Republic; and

Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.

Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twentieth day of March, two thousand and two, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the Italian Republic, respectively.

(Signed) Shi Jiuyong,

(Signed) Philippe Couvreur,



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