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18 April 1977


General List No. 62


international Court of Justice


Aegean Sea Continental Shelf








BEFORE: President: Jimenez de Arechaga
Vice-President: Nagendra singh
Judges: Forster, Gros, Lachs, Dillard, de Castro, Morozov, Sir Humphrey Waldock, Ruda, Mosler, Elias, Tarazi
Citation: Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turk.), 1977 I.C.J. 3 (Order of Apr. 18)


The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,

After deliberation,

Having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Article 40 of the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Order of 14 October 1976 fixing the time-limits for the Memorial of the Government of Greece and the Counter-Memorial of the Government of Turkey on the question of the Court's jurisdiction to entertain the dispute,

Makes the following Order:

Whereas, by a letter dated 17 March 1977, the Agent of Greece requested that the time-limit for the Memorial be extended by three months in order to facilitate to the fullest extent possible the negotiations [p 4] in progress with Turkey on the subject of the delimitation of the continental shelf between the two countries;

Whereas a copy of that communication was transmitted to the Government of Turkey, which was invited to inform the Court of its views thereon;

Whereas on 30 March 1977 the Ambassador of Turkey to the Netherlands, in an oral communication, informed the Registrar of the Court that, having regard to an agreement signed by Greece and Turkey on 11 November 1976 on the procedure to be followed during negotiations, and the efforts made to implement that agreement and start meaningful negotiations, the Turkish Government had no objection to Greece's request for an additional period, while indicating that his answer did not imply any undertaking on the part of his Government;

Having regard to the negotiations referred to by Greece and by Turkey in the above-mentioned communications,

The Court

Extends to 18 July 1977 the time-limit for the Memorial of the Government of Greece;

Extends to 24 April 1978 the time-limit for the Counter-Memorial of the Government of Turkey;

And reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.

Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven, in three copies, of which one will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of Greece and the Government of Turkey, respectively.

(Signed) E. Jimenez de Arechaga,

(Signed) S. Aquarone,








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