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29 July 1954


General List No. 20


international Court of Justice


�Electricite De Beyrouth� Company








BEFORE: President: Arnold D. McNair
Citation: �Electricite De Beyrouth� Company, France v. Lebanon, Order, 1954 I.C.J. 107 (July 29)

[p .107]
The President of the International Court of Justice,

having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court,

having regard to Article 69 of the Rules of Court;

Having regard to the Application, filed in the Registry of the Court on August 14th, 1953, by which the Government of the French Republic instituted proceedings against the Government of the Republic of. Lebanon concerning certain concessions for the exploitation of public services in Lebanon, granted by the latter Government to the "Électricité de Beyrouth" Company,

Having regard to the Order of October 20th, 1953, whereby the Court fixed January 18th, 1954, as the time-limit for the filing of the Memorial of the Government of the French Republic and April 28th, 1954, as the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the Government of the Republic of Lebanon and reserved the rest of the procedure for further decision,

Having regard to the Memorial filed by the Government of the French Republic within the time-limit so fixed,

Having regard to the Order of April 8th, 1954, whereby the President of the International Court of Justice, at the request of the Agent of the Government of Lebanon, extended to July 28th, 1954, the time-limit previously fixed for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the Government of the Republic of Lebanon, [p 108]

Whereas by a letter dated July 13th, 1954, and received in the Registry of the Court on July 17th, 1954, the Agent of the Lebanese Government informed the Registrat that ��the presentation of this pleading, as well as the continuation of the proceedings, is now devoid of object, having regard to the settlement of the dispute by the Parties, which has been ratified by the Lebanese Parliament on June 30th, 1954", and that "It was, moreover, agreed between the Lebanese and French Governments that, as soon as the settlement was made, the French Government would discontinue the proceedings which it had instituted against the Lebanese Government before the International Court of Justice",

Whereas by a letter dated July 20th, 1954, the Registrar transmitted a certified true copy of the afore-mentioned letter to the Agent of the French Government,

Whereas by a letter dated July 23rd, 1954, and received in the Registry of the Court on July 26th, 1954, the Agent of the Government of the French Republic, "in view of the ratification of the Agreement of March 26th, 1954", requested the Registrar, "in accordance with the provisions of Article 69, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, and in pursuance of an exchange of letters between the President of the Republic of Lebanon and the French Ambassador at Beirut .... to be good enough to inform the Court that the Government of the French Republic is not going on with the proceedings and requests that its case be removed from the Court's List",

Whereas in these circumstances it is not necessary to fix the time-limit provided for in Article 69, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court;

Places on record the discontinuance by the French Government of the proceedings instituted by the Application of August 14th, 1953;

Orders that the case shall be removed from the List.

Done in French and English, the French text being authoritative, this twenty-ninth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the French Republic and to the Government of the Republic of Lebanon, respectively.

(Signed) Arnold D. McNair,

(Signed) J. Lopez Olivax,



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