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Territorial and Maritime Dispute, Nicaragua v. Colombia, Judgment (Preliminary Objections), General List No. 124 (ICJ, Dec. 13, 2007)

Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights, Costa Rica v. Nicaragua, Order (Fixing of Time-Limits: Reply and Rejoinder), General List No. 133 (ICJ, Oct. 09, 2007)

Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea, Nicaragua v. Honduras, Judgment, General List No. 120 (ICJ, Oct. 08, 2007)

Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, Argentina v. Uruguay, Order (Fixing of Time-Limits: Reply and Rejoinder), General List No. 135 (ICJ, Sep. 14, 2007)

Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Order (Fixing of Time-Limit: Counter-Memorial), General List No. 103 (ICJ, Jun. 27, 2007)

Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea, Romania v. Ukraine, Order (Extension of Time-Limit: Rejoinder), General List No. 132 (ICJ, Jun. 08, 2007)

Ahmadou Sadio Diallo, Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Judgment (Preliminary Objections), General List No. 103 (ICJ, May. 24, 2007)

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, Judgment, General List No. 91 (ICJ, Feb. 26, 2007)

Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, Argentina v. Uruguay, Order (Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures), General List No. 135 (ICJ, Jan. 23, 2007)


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