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Northern Cameroons, Cameroon v. United Kingdom, Judgment (Preliminary Objections), General List No. 48 (ICJ, Dec. 02, 1963)

South West Africa, Liberia v. South Africa, Order (Extension of Time-Limit: Counter-Memorial), General List Nos. 46 & 47 (ICJ, Sep. 18, 1963)

South West Africa, Ethiopia v. South Africa, Order (Extension of Time-Limit: Counter-Memorial), General List Nos. 46 & 47 (ICJ, Sep. 18, 1963)

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (No. 2), Belgium v. Spain, Order (Fixing of Time-Limit: Written Statement of Observations and Submissions on Preliminary Objections), General List No. 50 (ICJ, Mar. 16, 1963)

South West Africa, Liberia v. South Africa, Order (Fixing of Time-Limit: Counter-Memorial), General List Nos. 46 & 47 (ICJ, Feb. 05, 1963)

South West Africa, Ethiopia v. South Africa, Order (Fixing of Time-Limit: Counter-Memorial), General List Nos. 46 & 47 (ICJ, Feb. 05, 1963)

Northern Cameroons, Cameroon v. United Kingdom, Order (Extension of Time-Limit: Written Statement of Observations and Submissions on Preliminary Objection), General List No. 48 (ICJ, Jan. 11, 1963)


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