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    Inter-American Court of Human Rights    

Ituango Massacres v. Colombia, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Dec. 22, 2010)

Galdamez Alvarez v. Honduras, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Dec. 22, 2010)

Valle Jaramillo v. Colombia, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Dec. 21, 2010)

Miguel Castro Castro Prison v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Dec. 21, 2010)

Gomez Palomino v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Dec. 21, 2010)

Afiuni v. Venezuela, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Dec. 10, 2010)

Wing v. Peru, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 26, 2010)

Mendoza Penitentiaries v. Argentina, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 26, 2010)

Cabrera Garcia v. Mexico, Judgment (Preliminary Objection, Merits, Reparations and Costs) (IACtHR, Nov. 26, 2010)

Alvarado Reyes v. Mexico, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 26, 2010)

Naranjo v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 25, 2010)

Fernandez Ortega v. Mexico, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 25, 2010)

Colombian Commission of Jurists v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 25, 2010)

Barrios v. Venezuela, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 25, 2010)

Vargas Areco v. Paraguay, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 24, 2010)

Gomes Lund v. Brazil, Judgement (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations, and Costs) (IACtHR, Nov. 24, 2010)

Dismissed Congressional Employees v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment and Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 24, 2010)

Araguan Correctional Facility Tocoron Prison v. Venezuela, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 24, 2010)

Zambrano Velez v. Ecuador, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 23, 2010)

Velez Loor v. Panama, Judgement (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations, and Costs) (IACtHR, Nov. 23, 2010)

Moiwana Community v. Suriname, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 22, 2010)

Inter-ecclesial Commission on Justice and Peace v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 22, 2010)

Herrera Ulloa v. Costa Rica, Order (Supervision of Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 22, 2010)

Bayarri v. Argentina, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 22, 2011)

Bamaca Velasquez v. Guatemala, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 18, 2010)

Almonacid Arellano v. Chile, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 18, 2010)

Kimel v. Argentina, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 15, 2010)

Cantoral Benavides v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Nov. 14, 2010)

Mapiripan Massacre v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Sep. 02, 2010)

Lanza Ochoa v. Honduras, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Sep. 02, 2010)

Tristan Donoso v. Panama, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Sep. 01, 2010)

Ibsen Cardenas v. Bolivia, Judgment (Merits, Reparations and Costs) (IACtHR, Sep. 01, 2010)

De La Cruz Flores v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Sep. 01, 2010)

Rosendo Cantu v. Mexico, Judgment (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs) (IACtHR, Aug. 31, 2010)

Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Aug. 30, 2010)

Fernandez Ortega v. Mexico, Judgement (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations, and Costs) (IACtHR, Aug. 30, 2010)

Communities of Jiguamiando and Curvarado v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Aug. 30, 2010)

Yean v. Dominican Republic, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Aug. 27, 2010)

Ivcher Bronstein v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Aug. 27, 2010)

Garcia Prieto v. El Salvador, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Aug. 27, 2010)

Alban Cornejo v. Ecuador, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Aug. 27, 2010)

Tradesmen v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Aug. 26, 2010)

Rochela Massacre v. Colombia, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Aug. 26, 2010)

Cantos v. Argentina, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Aug. 26, 2010)

Xakmok Kasek v. Paraguay, Judgement (Merits, Reparations, and Costs) (IACtHR, Aug. 24, 2010)

FAFG v. Guatemala, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Jul. 21, 2010)

Vargas Areco v. Paraguay, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Jul. 20, 2010)

Yatama v. Nicaragua, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 28, 2010)

Wing v. Peru, Order (Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, May. 28, 2010)

Ngobe Indigenous Communities v. Panama, Order (Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, May. 28, 2010)

COFAVIC v. Venezuela, Order (Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, May. 28, 2010)

Baena Ricardo v. Panama, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 28, 2010)

Cepeda Vargas v. Colombia, Judgement (Preliminary objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs) (IACtHR, May. 26, 2010)

Alvarado Reyes v. Mexico, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, May. 26, 2010)

Chitay Nech v. Guatemala, Judgement (Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations, and Costs) (IACtHR, May. 25, 2010)

Almonte Herrera v. Dominican Republic, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, May. 25, 2010)

Chaparro Alvarez v. Ecuador, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 19, 2010)

Kimel v. ARgentina, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 18, 2010)

Escue Zapata v. Colombia, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 18, 2010)

Ximenes Lopes v. Brazil, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 17, 2010)

Escher v. Brazil, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, May. 17, 2010)

Samaraka People v. Suriname, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Apr. 20, 2010)

Portugal v. Panama, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Apr. 20, 2010)

Belfort Isturiz v. Venezuela, Order (Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Apr. 15, 2010)

Wing v. Peru, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Mar. 24, 2010)

Almonte Herrera v. Dominican Republic, Order (Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Mar. 24, 2010)

Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku v. Ecuador, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 04, 2010)

El Amparo v. Venezuela, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Feb. 04, 2010)

Cesti Hurtado v. Peru, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Feb. 04, 2010)

Barrios v. Venezuela, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 04, 2010)

Serrano Cruz v. El Salvador, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 2010)

Ramirez Hinostroza v. Peru, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 2010)

Las Palmeras v. Colombia, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 2010)

Garcia Prieto v. El Salvador, Order (Monitoring Compliance with Judgment) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 2010)

Garcia Prieto v. El Salvador, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 2010)

Caballero Delgado v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 2010)

Rosendo Cantu v. Mexico, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 02, 2010)

Melendez Quijano v. El Salvador, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 02, 2010)

Giraldo Cardona v. Colombia, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 02, 2010)

Natera Balboa v. Venezuela, Order (Request for Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Feb. 01, 2010)


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