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    Inter-American Court of Human Rights    

Xavier v. Argentina, Order (IACtHR, Nov. 19, 1993)

Tolosa v. Argentina, Order (Provisional Measures) (IACtHR, Nov. 19, 1993)

Aloeboetoe v. Suriname, Judgment (Reparations and Costs) (IACtHR, Sep. 10, 1993)

Certain Atributes of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Arts. 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50 and 51 of the American Convention on Human Rights, Advisory Opinion, OC-13/93 (IACtHR, Jul. 16, 1993)

Cayara v. Peru, Judgment (Preliminary Objections) (IACtHR, Feb. 03, 1993)

Peruvian Prisons v. Peru, Order (IACtHR, Jan. 27, 1993)

Chipoco v. Peru, Order (IACtHR, Jan. 27, 1993)


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