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    Inter-American Commission on Human Rights    

Tercero v. United States, Report, Report No. 79/15, Case 12.994 (IACmHR, Oct. 28, 2015)

JSCH v. Mexico, Report, Report No. 80/15, Case 12.689 (IACmHR, Oct. 28, 2015)

Cooper v. United States, Report, Report No. 78/15, Case 12.831 (IACmHR, Oct. 28, 2015)

Victims v. Panama, Report, Report No. 68/15, Petition 882-03 (IACmHR, Oct. 27, 2015)

Urrutia v. Ecuador, Report, Report No. 66/15, Petition 1436-11 (IACmHR, Oct. 27, 2015)

Tecpile v. Mexico, Report, Report No. 67/15 Petition 211-07 (IACmHR, Oct. 27, 2015)

Silva v. Brazil, Report, Report No. 63/15, Petition 1344-08 and 90-09 (IACmHR, Oct. 27, 2015)

Morris v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 65/15, Petition 1511-09 (IACmHR, Oct. 27, 2015)

Mayan Peoples v. Belize, Report, Report No. 64/15, Petition 633-04 (IACmHR, Oct. 27, 2015)

Rocha v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 62/15, Petition 1213-07 (IACmHR, Oct. 26, 2015)

Benitez v. Argentina, Report, Report No.61/15, Petition 1241-04 (IACmHR, Oct. 26, 2015)

V v. Guatemala, Report, Report No. 57/15, Petition 15-09 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

Sapunar v. Chile, Report, Report No. 53/15, Petition P-706-04 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

Mota v. Mexico, Report, Report No. 58/15, Petition 348-09 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

Massacre v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 54/15, Petition 467-97 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

KPP v. Guyana, Report, Report No. 60/15, Petition 353-07 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

Jimenez v. Ecuador, Report, Report No. 56/15, Petition 584-03 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

Encheandia v. Peru, Report, Report No. 59/15, Petition P895-06 (IACmHR, Oct. 17, 2015)

Yaqui People v. Mexico, Report, Report No. 48/15, Petition 79-06 (IACmHR, Jul. 28, 2015)

Gallo v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 43/15, Case 12.632 (IACmHR, Jul. 28, 2015)

Echavarria v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 47/15, Case 11.794 (IACmHR, Jul. 28, 2015)

Arce v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 46/15, Petition 315-01 (IACmHR, Jul. 28, 2015)

Alisio v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 37/15, Petition 425-97 (IACmHR, Jul. 24, 2015)

Ungaretti v. Ecuador, Report, Report No. 36/15, Petition 717-05 (IACmHR, Jul. 22, 2015)

Quintero v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 32/15, Case 11,100 (IACmHR, Jul. 22, 2015)

Perez v. Ecuador, Report, Report No. 35/15, Case 11.609 (IACmHR, Jul. 22, 2015)

Arce v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 31/15, Petition 315-01 (IACmHR, Jul. 22, 2015)

Buitrago v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 34/15, Petition No. 191-07 (IACmHR, Jul. 22, 2015)

Walger v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 29/15, Petition 4072-02 (IACmHR, Jul. 21, 2015)

Pavez v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 30/15, Petition 1263-08 (IACmHR, Jul. 21, 2015)

Dadea v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 28/15, Petition 706-01 (IACmHR, Jul. 21, 2015)

Tercero v. United States, Report, Report No. 24/15, Petition 1752-09 (IACmHR, Jun. 24, 2015)

TU v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 15/15, Petition 374-05 (IACmHR, Mar. 24, 2015)

Silva v. Ecuador, Report, Report No. 16/15, Petition 4596-02 (IACmHR, Mar. 24, 2015)

Salazar v. Mexico, Report, Report No. 18/15, Petitions 929-04, 1082-07 & 1187-07 (IACmHR, Mar. 24, 2015)

Massacre v. Guatemala, Report, Report No. 17/15, Petition 1139-04 (IACmHR, Mar. 24, 2015)

Lavy v. Peru, Report, Report No. 19/15, Petition 320-03 and others (IACmHR, Mar. 24, 2015)

Diaz v. United States, Report, Report No. 11/15, Case 12.833 (IACmHR, Mar. 23, 2015)

Villarroel v. Ecuador, Report, Report No. 6/15, Petition 518-03 (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)

Ubate v. Colombia, Report, Report No. 5/15. Case 11.883 (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)

Richardt v. Venezuela, Report, Report No. 9/15, Petition 2609-02 (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)

Lopez v. Peru, Report, Report No. 8/15, Petition 1413-04 et al (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)

Kejner v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 3/15, Petition 610-01 (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)

Juarez v. Mexico, Report, Report No. 7/15. Petition 547-04 (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)

Feris v. Argentina, Report, Report No. 4/15, Petition 582-01 (IACmHR, Jan. 29, 2015)


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