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    Caribbean Court of Justice    

Barbados Turf Club v. Melnyk, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 14 (AJ) (CCJ, Nov. 11, 2011)

Sea Havens v. Dyrud, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 13 (AJ) (CCJ, Nov. 03, 2011)

Garraway v. Williams, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 12 (AJ) (CCJ, Aug. 04, 2011)

O�Leen Colby v. Felix Enterprises, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 10 (AJ) (CCJ, Jul. 08, 2011)

Marin v. Attorney General of Belize, Joint Judgment, [2011] CCJ 9 (AJ) (CCJ, Jun. 27, 2011)

Hummingbird Rice Mills v. Suriname, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 1 (OJ) (CCJ, Jun. 27, 2011)

Sheermohamed v. S.A. Nabi and Sons, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 7 (AJ) (CCJ, May. 23, 2011)

Sheermohamed v. Sheermohammed, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 8 (AJ) (CCJ, May. 23, 2011)

Romeo Da Costa Hall v. The Queen, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 6 (AJ) (CCJ, Apr. 15, 2011)

Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry v. Alleyne, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 5 (AJ) (CCJ, Mar. 28, 2011)

Doyle v. The Queen, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 4 (AJ) (CCJ, Mar. 21, 2011)

Scantlebury v. Attorney General, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 3 (AJ) (CCJ, Feb. 17, 2011)

Hawkesworth v. Attorney General, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 2 (AJ) (CCJ, Feb. 17, 2011)

Gaskin v. Attorney General, Judgment, [2011] CCJ 1 (AJ) (CCJ, Feb. 17, 2011)


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