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Election of Gonz�lez Flores as President of Costa Rica, CACJ, Decision (Sentencia) on Inadmissibility of 3 July 1917

El Salvador v. Nicaragua, CACJ, Opinion and Decision of 9 March 1917, 11 Am. J. Int'l L. 674 (1917)

Costa Rica v. Nicaragua, CACJ, Judgment of 30 September 1916, 11 Am. J. Int'l L. 181 (1917)

Berm�dez y N��ez v. Costa Rica, CACJ, Decision (Sentencia) (Claim Without Foundation) of 7 April 1914

Molina Larios v. Honduras, CACJ, Decision (Sentencia) on Inadmissibility of  10 December 1913

The 1912 Revolution in Nicaragua, CACJ, Report of the Peace Commission of 6 October 1912

Salvador Cerda v. Costa Rica, CACJ, Resolution on Inadmissibility of 11 October 1911

The 1910 Revolution in Nicaragua (Mediation of the Estrada Revolution), CACJ, Draft of the Settlement of 27 June 1910

Foenos Diaz v. Guatemala, CACJ, Resolution on Inadmissibility of 6 March 1909, 3 Am. J. Int'l L. 737 (1909)

Honduras v. Guatemala, CACJ, Final Conclusions & Award, 19 December 1908, 3 Am. J. Int�l L. 729 (1909)

Honduras v. Guatemala, CACJ, Judgment of 19 December 1908, 3 Am. J. Int�l L. 434 (1909)

Honduras v. Guatemala, CACJ, Order of 13 July 1908, 2 Am. J. Int�l L. 840 (1908)

Honduras v. Guatemala, CACJ, Order of 13 July 1908, 2 Am. J. Int�l L. 838 (1908)







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